Monday, April 29, 2013

Mullins Center Command

 Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave ...

Once again local fire departments successfully came together in mutual aid to work as a team, only this time fire or carnage of any kind was not involved.

Using Ladder 1 from AFD, a really big flag from NFD  and a lot of coordination from UMass Campus Safety and Fire Prevention Department, Old Glory was proudly raised high above the Mullins Center for the fantastic benefit show, Ice Stars for Wounded Warriors, held this past weekend.

Giving good reason for crowds to cheer -- even before getting into the venue.

Photos courtesy Ed Mientka


  1. As the taxpayer again pays for fuel, labor and wear and tear of town equipment for unintended uses. NO WASTE HERE. Not like a golf course, eh Larry? How will Kelley logic defend this?
    Only a CAN knows how.

    It is insult time.

  2. Actually I believe Ladder 1 could have responded to anywhere in town (or neighboring towns) directly from that location.

    The only thing worse than a Cowardly Anon Nitwit is a curmudgeon CAN.

  3. I'm one of those taxpayers and I do not consider this a waste. It's the least we can do for our real heroes == the warriors.

  4. I am reminded of an incident some years back now (not in Amherst) where a FD Ladder truck was being used to string downtown Christmas decorations and had catastrophic hydraulic failure combined with something going wrong with the mechanism(s) that lock the ladder where it is if there is a hydraulic failure.

    Instead, the ladder fell onto the roof of a downtown building. No one was hurt, quite a few people were very much embarrassed -- until it was pointed out that it was a good thing that this had happened where it did, had it been at a fire -- well the guys on the ladder would have been in serious trouble.

    There is a lot to be said for putting a ladder truck through its paces a couple times a year because as embarrassing as it would be, you would much rather have something happen here than at a fire.

    He**, in small towns, the fire department often sprays the manure off the roads before parades. Likewise, if their pump is going to throw a belt or blow a gasket, they would much rather have it happen here than at a fire...

  5. Tell us where that incident involving the FD Ladder truck you are reminded of occurred, Ed.

    Or don't--but do one or the other.

  6. I new Ed would do exactly what I told him to do.
