Thursday, June 14, 2012

And See If Anyone Salutes

Amherst Town Hall 

I've never been a huge fan of Flag Day because it seems a little too contrived--you either respect the flag 24/7 or you do not. In fact, a few years ago I asked the Select Board to trade Flag Day for 9/11 as one of the days the 29 commemorative flags are allowed to fly in town center, thus keeping the six-day restriction in place.

Some of you may have noticed the return of the flag on Town Hall. It disappeared a couple years ago when the building exterior was undergoing repointing and town officials simply got out of the habit of putting it up.

The flag first appeared soon after 9/11 when Amherst was taking a PR drubbing over ill-timed flag disparaging public comments made just 12 hours before civilian aircraft turned the Twin Towers into dust.  At the time Select Board member Anne Awad voiced her displeasure with the Town Hall flag saying it looked like somebody was trapped inside the building and using it to draw attention to their plight.

Perhaps a subliminal result of endless footage aired of helpless civilians trapped on the upper floors of the towers waiving their clothing to get first responders attention.

Last year the town also purchased an extra large flag for the main pole in town center--but only on the same occasions the 29 commemorative flags are allowed to fly.  Now I'm told that BIGGER flag will start flying 24/7 (after I complained a few years ago the town added illumination to the main pole) every day, except for when the weather is particularly inclement.

Bigger American Flag flew for Memorial Day

That starts as soon as town officials can find the b-i-g-g-e-r POW flag that accompanies the b-i-g-g-e-r American flag.  Let's hope they find it by July 4th.
Actually let's hope they find it today as the current flag is a tad, err, TATTERED. 

  UPDATE: 2:15 PM Yeah!

New flag is up. LONG may she wave


  1. What does the flag represent for you, Mr. Kelley?

  2. All that is GOOD about this country. (And no, that does not excuse the bad.)

  3. 250 years of corruptionJune 14, 2012 at 3:52 PM

    it wasn't the planes that dustified the towers. it wasn't planes that took down building seven.

    learn about 911 buddy, you will figure it out. you think there is corruption in amherst? what do you think happens at the highest levels buddy? expand your theater a little and learn the truth is out there, the culprits have been named. they are being protected by people like you buddy, who prop up the "official" story of 911.

    really amazes me larry, you dig into amherst very well, but totally blind to 911. and yes, this ties in with the flag. tradjen was right, as i always say and you never post.

  4. Ponziville or bustJune 14, 2012 at 5:08 PM

    Wouldn't it be better if they flew the flags upside down in Amherst?

    You know, so visitors get the message...

  5. And what do you think is good about this country. Would you be a little more specific?

  6. They Can't Take That AwayJune 15, 2012 at 3:17 PM

    To answer anonymous 650, everything. This is the only country on earth in which we address our wrongs, correct our wrongs, and learn from them.

    As for 250 years, if the US government was so good at conspiracies and could plan 9/11, individuals such as you and I would not be able to figure it out. If it was secret up until it occurred how did (no offense) someone with no insight like you or I put the pieces together?

  7. "If it was secret up until it occurred how did (no offense) someone with no insight like you or I put the pieces together?"

    if you do the research, you will find people did know bits and pieces. Many people actually predicted it. The govt is so compartmentalized it is actually very easy to keep secrets. then of course there are the death vows to all involved at the highest levels, which applies to the party and all of their family members. of course they are duly compensated, but they have to keep their mouths shut. Besides, i already stated above, that intricate research, by following the money, tenants of wtc, and all of the resulting associations...we know who did it...there are lists of names out there.

    it was most likely a series of micronukes with thermate/thermite assistance that downed the buildings. the palnes and the osama story was all a cover. any nitwit knows this. condaleeza "no one ever thought of crashing planes into buildings", yet there are govt documents from not long before describing exactly those types of events. so she was lying, plain and simple, and that is just a tiny piece of the evidence. it takes a long time to get your head around it all, but once you do, your world view will snap into a new reality. It is not our flag that did the deeds, or is dragging our troops through the middle east for endless is a criminal faction that has a stanglehold on our govt, in conjunction with all of the other threads that connect the UN around the planet. Obama/bush does cannot declare war, only congress can do that. So the UN orders Obama to do it, and he usurps the supposed laws that protect the country and spends billions against the people's will. with all of the signing statements, patriot act and 11th hour bill is likely we are not even the republic that we were set up as. at some point they will drop the gauntlet, and 911 was a precursor to this chain of events.

  8. Thankfully you aren't building buildings anonymous, because if they are like your arguments they would come crashing down around you the second a person examined it close up.

    I won't even rebuttle against this, it isn't worth my time. Larry, you need to tighten your comment controls on these guys!

  9. "Give them enough rope...". (If I dare use that expression these days.)

  10. hey you can live in ignorance if you want. the information is out there. you wont find it in the mainstream.

    i just try to wake people up to the reality, just like larry. but people who dont bother to do the dozens of hours of research necessary to even get a grip of what really happened on 911 (because it is not just 911 you need to understand, it is the whole tangle of world events that occurred before and after 911), they will continue to be naysayers, watch their fox news and call me crazy. i have looked at this from many angles, and there is no other logical conclusion....criminal elements which have taken over our govt, and turned it into a fascist war machine, are the ones who did 911. not OBL or 19 boxcutter wielding arabs.

    censoring my comments wont change the truth, but it will be a complicit act to keep the truth about 911 hidden. Larry, you like the truth right?


  11. Yeah, and I know it when I hear it.

    Even more so, whacked-out blather.

  12. So back to topic. Many of us feel that the US flag represents the whole country, warts and all. However, there are some who believe that it's better to focus on the beauty, rather than the warts.

    Beauty such as people in a community taking up a collection to help a kid with cancer, or another community helping after a tornado, or a free summer camp for kids who need to get out of a city and who cannot afford it.

    Free speech (even if we don't like it), a good place to bring up kids, the ability to work for something and be rewarded for work.

    There are lots of good things represented by the flag. If you choose to focus on the ugly, that's your choice. But I suspect Larry thinks of the good things, hoping to make little notches in the ugly things, such as local governmental dirty deeds and other local secrets that might need tellin'.

  13. The conspiracy theorists give "the criminal elements" they fantasize about too much credit.

    When have we ever seen anyone in government capable of pulling off something as sophisticated and coordinated as this? AND keep it a secret? Come on. My guess is that the result of the buildings coming down was a complete surprise to the terrorists, i.e. an unintended consequence.

    For every successful Bin Laden assassination effort executed by government, there's a Bay of Pigs or botched Iranian hostage rescue.

    My sense is that the folks who come up with these elaborate theories can't manage to put their pants on in the morning, and, therefore, everybody else seems extremely capable to them.
