Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dog Days of Summer

Conservation Commission: Briony Agus (Chair), Todd Walker, Elizabeth Hamin, Harvey Allen, Paris Boice, Christiane Healey

Amherst's burgeoning canine population may not jump for joy, but they will still wag their tails over tonight's 4-3 vote of the seven member Conservation Commission to maintain the current policy of allowing dogs off leash at Mill River and Amethyst Brook recreation areas for another three months--a time of peak activity for dogs and their owners--from dawn until 10:00 AM seven days a week

The vote to make the policy permanent failed by 3-4 but by most measures the six-month trial period has been a success, with dog owners taking more responsibility for keeping their pets under control and runners, walkers,bikers and nearby permanent residents also learning to respectfully coexist with an influx of exuberant four legged guests.

Dog Officer Carol Hepburn advocates for unrestricted off leash time but better education (for the dogs and owners)

Like student party houses it's the well publicized outlier incidents perpetrated by an irresponsible minority that give the responsible vast majority a bad reputation. 
25 Amherst residents showed up, the majority of them dog lovers


  1. Conservation Areas are public lands and thus must provide a comfortable and safe experience for all within the abilities and proper due diligence of the Town of Amherst.

    It is impossible for a dog owner (or any other pet owner for that matter) to unequivocally know the temperament of their dog under the myriad of conditions that might arise while off leash in conservation areas. So for the Town of Amherst to deduce that a dog being "...under voice control at all times...." is safer for the public than a physical attachment to that animal is not only ignorant, it is dangerous, and incredibly irresponsible on the Town’s part.

    Let me ask you all this……how much is a child’s eye, or leg, or hand, or arm worth? How much is a person’s dignity worth after they’ve been visibly maimed by an uncontrolled dog?

    The inherent DANGERS aside…..people who avoid the Mill River and Amethyst Brook areas during “off-leash” hours because of a discomfort with un-controlled dogs have essentially been stripped of enjoying something that is theirs to enjoy. You say it’s their choice they don’t go, but the Town has forced that situation upon them by allowing this stupidity.

    I, like many others, happen to enjoy the early morning hours in these conservation areas, until I get jumped on by a half dozen dogs not on leashes. My clothes get muddy paw prints on them, my camera has been pawed and worst of all, most owners don’t even ATTEMPT to use their “voice control” to mitigate the situation. I don’t dislike dogs or their owners, simply the Town for thinking this is OK on properties set aside for all to enjoy. If dog owners can enjoy these areas with their pet whenever they want (on AND off leash throughout the day), why can’t I do the same whenever I want without having to deal with their un-controlled dogs at certain times?

    But then again, this is Amherst…..a spineless republic infinitely detached from reality. I have an idea….let’s turn the self-serving money pit known as the Cherry Hill Golf Course into a giant fenced in dog park; free for all residents to use with their pets. The Town could recoup millions in dog waste baggie sales at the gate.

  2. Come on now, Cherry Hill is pretty darn BIG.

    I was thinking half of it a Dog Park and the other half a landfill. Or maybe Solar Farm. Either of those two are cash cows.

  3. I was horrifed to read in the Gazeete's account of last night's meeting about un-leashed dogs ripping the blanket off a three month old in a baby stroller. And was even more horrified to read the dog owner's response!!! "My dog can do what ever it damn well pleases - it's before 10am" Unbelievable attitude on the part of that dog owner. I would have been mortified if my dog had done such a thing and would have apologized profusely. With dog owners behaving like that, I think dogs should be on leash at ALL times in Amethyst Brook. I like dogs, have been a dog owner for many years (though am currently dogless) and I gotta say, I really enjoy my walks in Amethyst Brook much more now that the off-leash rules are in place. Yes, I still meet with unleashed dogs after 10am EVERY time I walk there but the numbers are far fewer.
    I like the idea of making part of Cherry Hill Golf Course a dog park.

  4. Here's a link to the Gazette article for anyone who missed it:

    That baby in the stroller that was attacked? My next-door neighbor. Actually 13 months old, not 3.

    I do not necessarily want to see off-leash dogs banned or even restricted to certain hours. I do, however, want to see certain specific individual dog owners locked up. My biggest beef is the lack of enforcement; if problems arise, and the dog has no tag or we're not able to read it, the bastards get away scot-free. The town needs to have officers out in the Amethyst Brook vicinity a LOT more often....

  5. Ponziville's poochie problemsJune 14, 2012 at 5:13 PM

    Amherst went to the dogs years ago.

    ARF ARF.

  6. I hope people realize that I can and will kill any dog that goes anywhere near my small child in an aggressive manner -- without hesitation.

    As to the owner of the stolen blanket, may I suggest either a small claims lawsuit or even a polite letter to the owner's homeowner's insurance company? Either is going to really get the attention of the owner and make such behavior damn expensive.

    And why on earth isn't the town prosecuting this as the crime it was? Even something like a muddy pawprint on clothing is the expense of the owner to mitigate.

  7. The dog park should be in a central location. Why not move DPW to Ruxton, then build a replacement fire/ambulance station and dog park where the DPW office is now located?
