Thursday, June 14, 2012

Warren Wows Amherst

 Elizabeth Warren arrives at the Black Sheep Deli in downtown Amherst 4:00 PM

One sure way to stimulate business is to schedule an appearance by Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren--especially in a democratic stronghold like Amherst. Although she was a half hour late for her last minute appearance at the Black Sheep Deli in the heart of downtown Amherst, nobody seemed to mind. Especially Black Sheep owner Nick Seaman.
Elizabeth Warren waiting to speak to jam packed crowd at Amherst's Black Sheep Deli


  1. Warren campaigning here? The old saying "Taking coals to Newcastle" comes to mind...

  2. Did she hold a pow-wow with local tribal leaders?

  3. Larry how dare you call the esteemed candidate by her pale face name?! Please, from now on kindly refer to her as Fauxcahontas.


  4. Love her, love her, love her!

  5. I always look for political insight from the commenters on this blog.

  6. Did she mention that middle class families were getting hammered?

  7. Cool. Everytime I go to Boston, I use the Hicks disguise. I get great service and great deals since everyone knows that no City Slicker can be bested by a Hick!

  8. And where was Scott Brown, posing nude again?

    See if you can answer this question honestly: How would the voting public react if a woman running for office had posed nude in a magazine for money, like Scott Brown did?

    He gets a pass for it. Meanwhile, all of you holy roller republicans would be aghast if a woman did this. And then, to support your deep seated beliefs in your Christian heritage, (which states the believer should turn the other cheek) you would condemn the woman.

    Have at it hypocrites and please give us your best sophistry to explain away this glaring double standard.

    What is it about Scott Brown's nudity that the right wing finds so acceptable?
