So it was one of those serendipitous virtual/real world interactions this evening when my family and I went out for dinner at the Amherst Brewing Company in the heart of downtown Amherst, and the tables next to us became a gathering spot for friends of Dave Pollack commemorating the one-year anniversary of his exceedingly untimely demise.
Earlier in the afternoon a firefighter had dropped off a memorial t-shirt at my Club (that most of the folks sitting next to us were now wearing) to thank me for remembering Dave, when all I did was post a photo and heartfelt text that he had provided.
As friends who knew him better told stories and raised their pints, I remembered that old Irish blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I love that place!
Who was he? Your posts don't give any info on who he was or what his accomplishments were. I thought you are taking a journalism class?
Dave was a Ph.D. student at UMass who had just completed his research and was about to start a job as the head of his own lab at the Naval Research Center, apparently a rare opprotunity.
He has his name on a few patents that will likely result in a vaccine for Chlamydia pneumoniae. In addition to his research, he also taught microbiology
When Dave first arrived in Amherst he joined the Amherst Fire Department. Previously, he had been a member of the Ledyard CT Fire Company. He was a well respected fireman and was promoted to a Lieutenant on the Amherst Fire Department Call Force.
Dave was also an avid soccer fan and played in a league with an assortment of friends from CT and MA.
Most importantly, he was just a sincerely special and devoted friend and son. He was the kind of guy who would do whatever he could and whenever he could do it to help anyone out.
In the course of a lunchtime conversation we could go from his latest research techniques and joking about drawing blood in his lab, to discussing the intricacies of operating the Amherst Ladder 1 or the best plowing technique.
A very special guy. There is no doubt in my mind that he would have continued to do incredible things and make an even greater impact on the world than he already has.
And that is exactly how this medium works!
I publish (send up a flare) with my limited knowledge/experience and hope somebody with better knowledge /experience jumps in and furthers the narrative.
Nicely done Sam.
Or, you could have done your homework.
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