Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A (somewhat) rational response

Sorry for Partying has left a new comment on your post "Another hectic weekend for APD":

Geeze I'm starting to wonder what you would even write about if these "kids" weren't having a good time - every other article is about "the party house of the week". If Amherst is so interesting and great without college students then find better material. You practically re-write the police log...

I wonder if you've ever experienced a "good time" as a young adult. Sing or dance with friends? Get rowdy? Consume an alcoholic beverage, perhaps? If you had one fun bone in your body I bet you'd understand why college students behave this way. That Peter Clark kid has a good point - what's a party without music?

Contrary to popular belief, most UMass students actually do school work throughout the week. Getting into this school isn't as easy as it once was, the class of 2014's average high school GPA was a 3.61. (compare that to Boston University's class of 2014 that had an average GPA of 3.6) So when the weekend rolls around I think most of the students deserve to party, drink and make some noise without being charged $300 for a noise violation.

I have had nothing but good times with great friends at this school. It's unfortunate that more and more people have been getting arrested. What's funny is that I've partied at most of the houses featured on your "blog" and they've been GREAT. I can remember each one like it was yesterday - Tracy Circle, PIKE, Meadow Street, Townhouses, South Prospect and Summer Street! The guys at these houses are incredible too, if you actually went out of your way to meet and interact with some of the student body I'm sure you would agree.

"Did you know the airport was there when you moved in?" UMass Amherst has been around way longer than you have, and so has the partying. Why should it stop living up to the name ZooMass? I talk to alumni and they reminisce on the glory days - did you ever have those? Did you ever go to a party with 100+ of your closest friends? Do you even have 100 friends?

This school is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And honestly I feel bad, because if I remember correctly you have a daughter - who will NEVER get to experience the UMass I did, If she even chooses to go here. Which, by the looks of it, you probably wouldn't let that happen. Heaven forbid she drink and dance at a party in college with tons of people. Although if she does decide to go here, I hope she doesn't get arrested for playing music too loud and drinking with her friends - wouldn't that just come back and bite you in the butt.

If you could wrap your head around the fact that these parties and gatherings are what complete the college experience, I think you'd have a better understanding as to why these things happen. We don't do it to spite the community or the police force - we do it because we enjoy partying. Hobart Hoedown has been a UMass tradition - and although you weren't the person who decided to have the police and riot force posted up on the street that day, you're part of a community that supports that. We have four years where it's socially acceptable to party our butts off and have the time of our lives and then we have to grow up and participate in real-life. If you could go back in time and relive a day of college - what would you wanna be doing? Sitting in a living room playing a board game on a Saturday night with 5 of your closest friends or be dancing to loud music in a house drinking wiith 100 - 200 of your friends?

...please enlighten me

Thanks for writing--as opposed to using text speak. I'm actually coming up on only the one year anniversary of my popular "Party House of the Weekend" series," which commenced on October 18th; and since then I have put up 58 posts under the tag "nuisance house" out of 1,696 total posts (not counting this one) or .034%--hardly "every other article."

And my family first moved to Amherst in the early 1850s--before UMass was founded.

Interesting, isn't it? When you shine a spotlight or hold up a mirror to their actions people often respond with criticism of the messenger who is simply holding the mirror/light, and try to portray them as somehow overly fixated.

I also notice that my Party Boy, newsworthy friends Peter Clark and Emerson Rutkowski have changed their names on Facebook, as though that is going to throw off the Google stain effect.

But you bring up a good point. Where do you draw the line between kids just having a good time and behavior that simply should not be tolerated by civilized adults, assuming you believe--as I do--that 18 to 22-year-old students are adults and civilized?

I found the perfect example on Peter Clark's Facebook DJ business page (a link he has now deleted) and sent it to the Amherst Select Board and acting Town Manager. It's called 121 Meadow Street and it consists of a little over nine minutes of raw video documenting the "party" at 121 Meadow Street. A party that soon thereafter became a "riot" with rocks and bottles hurled at responding Amherst police officers.

The state of Massachusetts recently passed a "crowd control" law which requires one sober employee for every 250 people at an event. This was in response to the tragic Rhode Island station nightclub fire that killed 100 people who were--just prior to that--having a "good time."

If I had to guess that 121 Meadow Street party, at it's peak, would have required 5 or 6 sober crowd control personnel. At about the five minute mark you can hear one of the tenants of the house saying plaintively, "I gotta get this car out of my driveway..."

What if it was a life or death emergency where every second counts?

That same night the Amherst Fire Department was swamped with calls--many of them UMass students having had too much to drink. Our Town Manager slipped and fell last month and was seriously injured. The quick response of AFD probably saved his life. But what if all the ambulances were too busy with drunk kids to have gotten to him in a timely manner?

A while back a sitting Select Board member's husband needed an ambulance, but they were all tied up with UMass type calls. A Northampton ambulance had to bring him to the hospital.

Although 121 Meadow Street is Ground Zero for student housing, there have been numerous parties just like that in residential neighborhoods (sounds like you attended a few) that are not dominated by student abodes--where average people go to work or school, deal with life in a responsible mature manner, and need to get some sleep.

They also take pride in maintaining their property and hate it when a neighboring house looks like a trash dumpster that was hit by a wind storm. Or when Party House patrons deposit cups, bottles, cans, vomit--or worse--on their property.

Oldest saying in the book my young friend: "All things in moderation."

Glad they are not Union 666

Methinks SEIU888 is sending the town of Amherst a message. Probably has something to do with the Town Manager recently being awarded a 9.8% raise, or the million dollar surplus the town has averaged over the past five fiscal years. Or maybe the Devil made them do it.


SEIU/888: 8 Hours of work, 8 Hours of Sleep, 8 Hours of Recreation promoting healthy, balanced, hard working union members.

Resolved on September 29, 2011 by the Town of Amherst Employees chapter of SEIU 888:

We will donate to the Amherst Survival Center (at Thanksgiving): $888.00

We will donate to the Senior Center Thanksgiving Dinner: $88.80

We will donate to the Amherst overnight shelter (Craig’s Door): $88.80

In these tough economic times, even though we have been offered a Zero percent COLA, we feel we need to extend a helping hand to our neighbors and colleagues. These funds were rebated back to the chapter five years ago.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Death Row Pardon!

Black Walnuts near Hampshire College main entrance

So it's hard to believe after all the trees the state has whacked for the Atkins Corner Project that these four beauties, otherwise known as black walnuts, were about to be sacrificed as well: "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot," or in this case a multi-use path more commonly referred to as a "bike path."

Yikes! The Amherst Shade Tree Committee would have impaled some town and state officials with the splintered remains.

But just in the nick of time Hampshire College rode their white horse to the rescue by granting the town a permanent easement on their property for a reconfiguration of the multi-use path, thus saving the four black walnuts. Three cheers for Hampshire College.

Now if we could just get them to contribute towards police and fire protection from the town, I would send my daughters there someday. (Well, maybe not.)
DPW Chief Guilford Mooring avoids the hot seat (for now)

Million Dollar Decision


Is a fraternity the same as a sorority? If you ask neighbors I'm sure the response would be a resounding "NO". So is allowing one but not the other tantamount to being Un-American--as in violating the equal protection clause contained in the 14th Amendment? We will soon find out.

On August 26 Amherst building inspector Peter Fein issued a "cease and desist order" to the owners of 38 Nutting Avenue, a privately owned UMass sorority (Alpha Chi Omega) since 1964 now wanting to go the all-male route by leasing out the premises to a fraternity (Pi Kappa Phi).

Apparently sororities, like newspapers and telephone booths, are an endangered species.

The building--with an approved occupancy for 60 people--is currently assessed at $1 million, generating $17,000 annually to the town in property taxes and according to the seller generates $179,000 gross annual rental income. If the Zoning Board of Appeals should uphold the building inspector's order and the structure becomes vacant or it should revert to a family dwelling, the assessed value will drop dramatically.

In fact the assessed value already dropped $55,300 from the previous year.

Since the Sorority is located in the same neighborhood as Frat Row--five notorious party houses now demolished--safe bet neighbors will show up to the October 13 Zoning Board public hearing to argue in favor of the town's interpretation of the zoning to prevent the all male transformation.

Stay tuned.

Frat House 374 North Pleasant St, Sunday morning
ZBA October 13, 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM @ Town Room, Town Hall

Alpha Chi Omega – Appeal of the Building Inspector’s Cease and Desist order, regarding the use of the premises as a fraternity house, under Section 10.1 of the Zoning Bylaw, at 38 Nutting Avenue (Map 11A, Parcel 87, R-G Zoning District). ZBA FY2012-00006 – Winnifred Manning – To install a five foot fence within the required front yard setbacks, under Section 6.29 of the Zoning Bylaw, at 61 Fearing Street (Map 11C, Parcel 99, R-G Zoning District).

Sales listing for 38 Nutting Avenue, Amherst

Property card for 38 Nutting Avenue, Amherst

Living Within Our Means

Stephanie O'Keeffe ctr rt, David Ziomek acting Town Manager ctr left

Last night the Amherst Select Board--at member Alisa Brewer's urging--telegraphed a "No Override" budget for FY12, unless an emergency comes up between now and the drop-dead January 16, 2012 deadline for the Town Manager to present his budget.

I think they are starting to get it. An Override should always be a last resort for those times when an unforeseen emergency arises. Besides, with an average $1 million surplus over the past five fiscal years, they would have had a hard time selling one to the voters (even with Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe's PR skills).

Monday, October 3, 2011

Benefits of Bad Weather

Who would curse Indian Summer gracing us on weekends over the rest of the month? Public safety professionals for one. (And perhaps grumpy Internet trolls who live in their parents basement and never go outside anyway.) At this morning's police briefing Detective Dave Foster attributed the somewhat quiet--as in less riotous--weekend a result of the wet weather, dubbing it a "friend."

Amherst Fire Department Chief Tim Nelson concurred saying this past weekend's, 9/30, lower number of ambulance (35) firetruck runs (13) compared to last weekend's, 9/23, ambulance (67) firetruck runs (12) was "directly attributed to weather."

Last year when Amherst Police Department Captain Jennifer Gundersen visited a journalism class at UMass she said,“Weather dictates the activity. In the spring we hope for rain every weekend. We also hope for the Red Sox to lose. Just one weekend can drain our budget as overtime has to be paid for some officers.”

Perhaps the town should think about adding a new position to the budget: rain dancer.

Party House of the Weekend

694 Main Street, Amherst

There was a time in Amherst history when I could walk from the house I grew up at on High Street down Main street all the way to the Pelham line and never once pass a house only occupied by students. Now I would be hard pressed to find any of the former.

Take this house for instance at 694 Main Street. Cut to the police report:

12:14 AM (early Saturday morning)
RP (reporting party) Reports loud noise coming from listed location

Upon arrival, approximately 30-40 people on front porch talking loudly and consuming alcohol. When advised of the noise complaint, one party indicated that his neighbors needed to learn that this is a college town.

Citation issued to that party.

Party cleared out. All residents were advised of consequences if APD need respond this evening

Summons issued:
Elan Katz, 9 Ridgewood Drive, Wantagh, NY age 21

Yes folks it gets better. Honestly, I can't make this up:

2:36 AM
RP reports loud voices at listed location

Loud music upon arrival. Listed parties taken into custody.

Refer to Arrest:

Elan Katz, 9 Ridgewood Drive, Wantagh, NY age 21
Daniel Schiatta, 32 Eastern Drive, Kendall Park, NJ, age 21

So I guess the moral of this story is, if you are being a Nitwit don't defend your uncivil behavior, and after the cops give you a ticket for being a Nitwit--don't go continuing the activity into the very early hours of the morning.

Property ownership card for 694 Main Street, Amherst