Amherst Town Meeting aka The Vince Show
The 257th annual Amherst Town Meeting concluded last night with pretty much a half
-session compared to the previous seven nights that went the full three hours and change.
As usual we started late by about seven minutes, but still the earliest start time (by a minute or two) of all eight sessions. In total an hour of time wasted for those who showed up on time. And it was not because members needed to shower after walking, jogging or cycling to get the meeting.
Also, as usual, we concluded the night with an anti-business (non binding) vote to oppose the Kinder Morgan gas pipeline. The original voice vote was so overwhelming I'm pretty sure only 2 or 3 No votes could be heard. Still, someone from the floor "doubted it" so a standing or Tally vote could occur (137 yes to 7 no).
In all we had nine Tally Votes, each requiring a minimum of ten minutes or 1.5 hours total. Throw in the standing votes, which also require about ten minutes, and you have the total time for an entire night's session.
Yes, electronic voting will do away with these time wasting inefficiencies. And provide much better accountability.
But the real problem is the institution itself, which is non representative of our little college town that borders on being a city.
Amherst has the lowest median age in the entire state with over 50% of our population "college aged youth," almost all of them renters.
See any college age youth?
While Town Meeting is on average retirement age homeowners.
Diversity of race, creed, color or sexual preference? As my Italian friends would say, "Forget about it!"
Since Amherst has only a pathetic 10% commercial tax base the equally pathetic number of Town Meeting members with small business experience is probably not all that far off. But still troubling.
Even my 8-year-old gets the simple formula of supply and demand (especially with candy around Halloween), which seems to stump Town Meeting time and time again.
Virtually all of the zoning articles (which require a two-thirds majority to pass) failed. And in the future zoning tweaks will be required to bring about the positive smart growth this town so desperately needs to address our lack of housing and commercial enterprise.
The BANANA/NIMBYs used to be an obstructionist fringe that could barely muster the one-third required to kill a zoning article.
Yet both their anti-business zoning articles, either of which would have detonated a dirty bomb in our town center business district, managed to muster a MAJORITY of Town Meeting support.
Paging Dr.