AFD Central Station is too old and too cramped
The first real honest to goodness step in the right direction for a new South Fire Station was taken today, albeit a baby step.
First meeting of DPW Fire Station Advisory Committee in Town Hall today
The new 7-member DPW Fire Station Advisory Committee met for the first time this afternoon after being appointed by Temporary Town Manager Pete Hechenbleikner who initially chaired the meeting but then turned it over to elected Chair Lynn Griesemer, who also chaired the 2006
Fire Station Study Committee.
In his preamble Hechenbleikner told the Committee, "This work is incredible important. You are the constituency, the advocates for these projects."
DPW Chief Guilford Morring said his new building is a little further along having already hired a designer who helped with a presentation to the Select Board a few months back for an 8.5 acre $37 million new facility.
Some preliminary fire station work could start even before DPW moves out
The current DPW building has been identified as a location for the new Fire Station.
If the $65 million mega school is approved by two-thirds of Town Meeting in the Fall and a majority of the voters at the November election ballot that would free up Fort River School for the new DPW building.
The DPW Fire Station Advisory Committee will attempt to bring a funding request to the Fall town meeting to hire a designer and
Manager for the Fire Station to catch it up to the new DPW.