Jones Library 48,000 square feet about half of it original and historic
The Jones Library Design Subcommittee heard a presentation this morning from their architects Finegold Alexander about the preliminary -- and everybody was careful to accent "preliminary" -- plans for the expansion/renovation of the current 48,000 square foot facility that dominates the western part of downtown.
Jones Library Design Subcommittee (10 people were in the audience concerned about gardens in back where expansion will go)
The "dream vision" would have been 110,000 square feet (more than doubling in size) and cost $53.8 million, the cheapest alternative of renovation only for existing facility came to $20 million, and the "sweet spot" in between -- and highly favored design concept -- of a 65,000 square foot building came to $31.9 million.
Wider purple to rear indicates expansion footprint if Strong House property involved
That concept (Option 2) does require the purchase of property from the Strong House History Museum next door, and that price does not reflect whatever that cost will be if Town Meeting approves a needed zoning change to allow the land deal.
The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, who suggested a 75,000 square foot target, will cover 41% of the eligible costs which the architects calculated at $12 million, thus the town share comes to $19.7 million.
Earlier this week in a presentation to the Select Board, a new DPW facility concept was unveiled at a "preliminary" cost of $37 million.
And a couple months ago the Wildwood School Building Committee chose a "preliminary" design for a new elementary school that combines two schools in one for a total cost of $65 million, with town share coming to $30 million or so.
Nothing concrete concerning the new South Fire Station however, although it gets lots of lip service.
AFD Central Station, built 1929, is embarrassingly cramped