UMass Amherst: A city unto itself (inside our little town)
Yes for the second consecutive year the combined efforts of town and UMass officials won the day, squashing any large scale uncivil gatherings of college aged groups clad in green before they could spin out of control.
Much in the same way they retired the Hobart Hoedown.
Mainly due to increased police presence directly at the flash point sites. Since Hobart only involved one street and Blarney encompassed almost a dozen, APD called in their brother and sister officers from all over the area.
The thin blue line was as wide as it will ever get in our little college town.
Of course the problem is you can't rely on that sort of backup every weekend between now and graduation. And as the weather warms, all it takes is one really nice Saturday combined with last second promotion on social media and a new -- yet to be named -- storm is unleashed.
Or maybe the Saturday morning peace marchers brought us good luck
Editor's note: While I'm honored to have Turtle Boy Sports trumpet to his purported massive readership that I single-handedly killed the Blarney Blowout, it does at least underscore the value of an unwavering light being shined on a particular pernicious problem.
I can only hope that beacon outlasts the rowdy behavior it focuses on.