Monday, February 17, 2014

Racism (?), Bullying & Secrecy @ ARHS

Amherst Regional High School on a cold Monday

The following documents were, technically, not public documents since they involve employee performance.  But the privacy exemption in Public Documents law was enacted to protect the employee -- not the governmental institution.

In his four page response to the written charges used at the "hearing" 2/4/14 the school employee (who works with his hands) took issue with a number of key points.  First and foremost he did not use the N-word, the one that ends in "r" and has six letters.

He used the 5 letter version that ends in "a", just to illustrate the version of the word his son used with a black friend as a term of endearment. 

And -- even more important -- he asked permission before using the word within earshot of Dean of Students Mary Custard, "an African American woman".  

School officials, however, seems to have no trouble using both versions of the N-word in their 2 page indictment.

The father, who I will call George (but that is not his name) reports his son did use the term "fucking bullshit" because by that point, after a week of bullying, he was extremely frustrated by the lack of response school officials had brought to bear.

To recap:  George went to Dean of Students Mary Custard on Wednesday January 22 after his son had a "confrontation" with three black students the previous day.

Being a polite ex-Marine George did not just barge into the office and grab a seat. He asked Ms. Custard's secretary if it was okay to speak to her and after she checked with Ms. Custard the answer was "yes". 

He remained standing the whole time because Ms. Custard never invited him to sit down.

That day was the only time the N-word (short version) was ever mentioned.  George was justifiably disconcerted when he learned Ms. Custard had contacted all the other parents (one of whom works in the schools, but not so much with his hands) to get their side of the story.

That same day during an "evacuation" George (who is after all a school employee) did end up in the Middle School auditorium where he spotted his son, who was now hanging out with the same black friend he posted the congratulatory note to on Facebook using the short version of the N-word.

His son did point out the three kids who were bullying him, but at no time did George make an attempt to interact with them.

On Thursday January 23 George once again very briefly discussed his son's precarious situation with Ms. Custard and once again asked the secretary who asked Ms. Custard if it was okay for him to speak with her.

At no point was he told to "make an appointment."

Friday January 24 was the day the verbal abuse escalated to the physical.  One of the kids laid a hand on George's son.  Again he went back to see Ms. Custard, again he asked her secretary first for the okay.  Only this time he brought his union rep as a witness.

And that witness will verify that George did not point his finger at Ms. Custard or act in a threatening or discourteous manner.  Yes, while leaving her office his irate son did say "fucking bullshit," but George did reprimand him, telling him to "calm down" and "watch your language."

George, his son and union rep then went to Principal Mark Jackson's office but ended up talking with Assistant Principal Michael Thompson who promised to set up a meeting for Monday January 27 (the day the school closed because of the "threat" posted to Facebook Confessions site).

George never said Ms. Custard was "biased" but his son certainly thought that was the case.  Mr. Thompson told George's son to go to an early lunch and if there are further problems with the three belligerent students he should seek out an authority figure.

Well that did not work, as the pre-lunchtime encounter was the worst yet.

The kid who got physical with George's son stormed out of the school that morning.  George's son went from the High School to the Middle School and then drove over to Northampton to pick up his mother from her place of employment.

The mother returned to the High School and was seen by Ms. Custard (amazingly, without an appointment).

In fact it was the mother who suggested the three kids antagonizing her son and school officials all sit down together on Monday January 27 to try to make peace.

That of course never happened because the "threat" posted to Facebook the week before finally appeared on Saturday night, January 25 and was spotted by School Superintendent Maria Geryk the following night.

She called the Chief of Police and Amherst Town Manger and with the help of I.T. Director Kris Pacunas George's son was identified around 3:00 AM, Monday morning.

In a panic Amherst Regional High School was closed, and state and federal authorities swept the school building for bombs and/or guns, neither of which were found.  Police now agree George's guns were never out of his elaborate lock up and so were never smuggled into the school.

George's son received a 12 day suspension for the Facebook "threat," use of the "N-word"  and making a scene in the school hallways.   But George managed to keep his job, although he was suspended without pay for three days for those three visits to Ms. Custard, totaling less than 15 minutes.

And he now has a a blemish in his personnel file, which had been spotless.

The Schools never reported the bullying incidents to the police, and the three students who directed their ire at George's son received no suspensions.

Perhaps it's time for the Regional School Committee to provide additional oversight on this sorry affair. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Church Of PC

"Vagina Monologues" performed in a Church. 

About the only thing I can think more inappropriate than "Vagina Monologues" being performed in a church, is for it to be performed in a high school.

In 2004 Amherst Regional High School was the ONLY high school in the nation to allow such adult oriented material to be performed by teenagers under the age of 18.

Yet now they wonder why kids think it's okay to use the "N-word."

I wonder if the church allowed "The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could" vignette to be performed?  You know, the one where an adult female plies a 16-year-old girl with alcohol and then takes sexual advantage of her. 

Gotta be some sort of Commandment against that.

Interestingly when Ensler originally wrote her "groundbreaking" work, the girl was only 13.   But in response to all the evil conservative criticism she changed her to 16 -- still illegal in most states.

And she also edited out the final line, "If it was rape, it was a good rape." 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Racism By Any Other Name

ARHS closed January 27 due to "unforeseen circumstances"

Are the Amherst Regional Public Schools guilty of a coverup in the Facebook Confessions threat incident that closed the High School on January 27?

At the Community Meeting held later that night to (sort of) explain the "unforeseen circumstances" that suddenly shut down the school, why did school officials not mention the racial component and bullying that led to the fear fueled "threat" being posted on Facebook out of self defense?

And exactly how did the mother (Jamie Sadiq) who blew the whistle on the racial backstory (but not the bullying) leading up to the Facebook incident know the white student involved?  Police and School officials had only learned his name at 3:30 AM that very morning and were refusing to divulge it to the media.  

And why didn't the schools contact the Amherst Police Department after a white father first complained to Dean of Students Mary Custard about the bullying his son was receiving, which later escalated to (criminal) assault by one of the students, who is black?

Why was the white youth suspended for 12 days and his father who works for the schools suspended without pay for 3 days, while the three black youths who bullied him -- including the one who laid hands on him -- received no suspensions?

As part of "Warrior Week" at ARHS, the schools published and promoted two compelling incidents of racial bigotry aimed at a new teacher of color that occurred last October.  But why are we only now hearing this sad story?

Those back-to-back incidents clearly crossed the line into criminal activity via Civil Rights infractions.  Again, why was the Amherst Police Department not immediately notified last October?

Anyone see a pattern here?

Anyone remember 12 years ago when Superintendent Gus Sayer failed to file a 51A report when a mother complained her 15-year-old son was propositioned by the new Principal (Steven Myers) who turned out to have a pedophile background?

And yes that's the same Gus Sayer who retired from Amherst within a year of that ignoble incident, but then came out of retirement to become Superintendent of South Hadley High School where he failed to protect Phoebe Prince from bullying -- and dying.  

In response to that tragic incident the state passed an anti-bullying law requiring all schools to report incidents exactly like the ones that have occurred at ARHS since October.

Amherst needs to start prioritizing the health and welfare of all students (whatever race, creed or color) over their public image.

Amherst Regional High School kids stomp out racism/sexism/homophobia last year.  Well, almost

Open For Business

It's 10:05 AM, do you know where your town workers are?  Working

The Amherst Regional Public Schools on the other hand ...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Schools & Transparency: Mutually Exclusive

Even after Suffolk Superior Court Judge Thomas Connors clearly ruled that names of public sector employees who receive a going away settlement financed by taxpayer dollars are not protected under the cloak of "privacy," the Amherst Schools continue to listen to $225/hour attorney Giny Tate and obstinately refuse to release those names.

Interestingly here's the same response from two years ago.  Thus showing that since then, just in the last two years under the reign of Superintendent Maria Geryk, the Schools have paid out an additional $179,718 to six former employees.

Almost as much as they did ($187,709) over the five years between 2006 and 2011.

Warrior Week at ARHS

Mark Jackson ARHS Principal,  Maria Geryk Amherst Regional School Superintendent

As part of "Warrior Week" in the Amherst Regional Public Schools, students heard (and presumably discussed) the awful story of a teacher of color who was on the receiving end of threats and racial bigotry last fall.  

So why are we only now hearing her story?

The Glass Is Half ... Full

Pat Kamins landlord, Rob Morra Building Commissioner

While half the 1,570 rental properties that need to register with the town and acquire a permit have done so since the new bylaw went into effect Janurary 1st, that still leaves about 785 who have not complied.

According to Amherst Building Commissioner Rob Morra:

 "All property owners who have not submitted permit applications will receive a letter from me with a deadline of March 31st to respond.  The letter is intended to be the final reminder however will clearly state that without a permit from this office he property is not in compliance with the Bylaw.  I will initiate standard enforcement procedures for all properties in violation after March 31st which will include fines, noncriminal disposition, court action, etc. as needed to gain full compliance with our program."

In order to oversee this critical new program Morra has hired two additional employees: Jennifer Gannett, Management Assistant (started early January) and a new inspector, Terry Avery who will start February 18th.

The two positions cost $88,689 (not including benefits) but will be easily covered by the $157,000 generated in $100 annual permits for the 1,570 rental properties.