1st of five speed bumps Lincoln Avenue
After many years of wishing and hoping and a
false start or two, the "speed calming" efforts via more permanent speed bumps on Lincoln Avenue are now in place -- all
five of them. And nearby Dana Street and Blue Hills Road as well.
Curiously only the middle section of Lincoln Avenue between Amity Street and Fearing Street have the built in obstacles as apparently homeowners on the other two stretches of Lincoln Avenue were not overly enthusiastic about them.
Amity Street Lincoln Avenue intersection
Probably because they did not look forward to having their teeth rattled every time they left their driveway.
Residents in the bumper zone hope the new project will not only slow traffic down but perhaps, if regular commuters get seasick from the obstacles, they may choose an alternate route.
Rt. 9 Lincoln intersection no bumps down to Amity. Also not repaved
Phil Jackson, a main instigator for the project, is hoping UMass will do a traffic study later this spring to determine if those lofty goals are met.
Meanwhile, residents on neighboring Fearing Street are waiting to see if the project drives more traffic down their street. The town had talked about installing speed bumps on Fearing Street as well, but nothing ever came of it.
Of course it will not be long now before town officials start hearing reminders.