Resident of 31 Shumway Street arrested for "disorderly conduct"
As usual, the first shots fired in the skirmish on rowdyism last night started in earnest around 10:00 PM, with Amherst Police and UMPD making individual arrests among streaming crowds of college aged youths in and around the UMass periphery for alcohol related infractions.
A scenario that would play out nearly a dozen times over a four hour period.
Walk This Way crowd (with dog) midnight Labor Day Weekend Fearing St
I did not see the "Walk This Way" crew out among the throng of students undulating up and down the Fearing Street neighborhood. Not that they seem to do much good when they are at their stations. Kind of like trying to redirect a tsunami using a child's toy plastic beach shovel.
Things kicked into high gear just after 1:00 AM with almost simultaneous noise complaints at 31 Shumway Street, 115 Grantwood Drive, and an apartment at the 24 North East Street complex, resulting in three arrests for noise/nuisance house violations, and one arrest for "disorderly conduct."
At 1:45 AM police were called to the North Pleasant/Kellogg Ave intersection in the downtown for an alcohol fueled disturbance, otherwise known as a fight.
Only minutes later a woman called from East Pleasant Street near Pine Street in North Amherst complaining about college aged youths urinating in her backyard.
According to Dispatch, "She was very upset." Indeed.