Hobart Lane: A usual suspect
As Party House apologists are fond of pointing out, UMass is the largest employer in Amherst, thus making us a "company town," thus making disturbing behavior that disrupts neighborhood tranquility town wide mere collateral damage to be endured for the greater good.
Or something like that.
Last year Amherst police politely handed over to UMass the names of 652 students arrested for rowdy behavior : Noise, Nuisance House, Open Container, Unlicenses Kegs, Under aged Drinking.
Since UMass is only in session roughly seven months out of the year, that amounts to 23 arrests per week. Just this past semester APD made 105 arrests for Nuisance House violations alone.
Since Nuisance House tickets are issued to all tenants that can be found on the premises at the time of the disturbance, it usually amounts to three per incident which works out to 35 dwellings or two per week (usually on weekends.)
All the above statistics are reactionary. A neighbor calls 911 to complain about loud noise or other disruptive behavior and the police show up. By then things are already out of control.
UMass, our largest employer, needs to hire an Off Campus RA to proactively patrol the usual suspect streets and enforce the student code of conduct, which UMass now claims to apply to off campus behavior.
A combination between bar bouncer and Jr High School Principal in charge of behavior. The town recently hired a code enforcement building inspector to better police slumlords who specialize in high demand student rentals.
Since UMass provides the supply side, it's only fair they share in the oversight.