Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gang of 4 hears good news

Amherst confluence of four committees

Finance Director Sandy Pooler crunched the numbers for next year's (FY12) operating budget tonight at a joint meeting of the Finance Committee, School Committee, Select Board, and Library Trustees (affectionately known as "The gang of four"), and--in spite of the sputtering economy--the outlook was rosy as long as the spending increases keep to 2.8%, enough to provide level services.

The town finished the year with a $1.1 million surplus, which reverted to Free Cash. Total reserves (Free Cash and Stabilization) now stand at $5.6 million--not counting the cushion (around $1 million) in the Amherst Regional School's "Excess and Deficiency" savings account.

While the state is usually portrayed as the skunk in the room, an extra supplemental appropriation of $514,000 coming in for FY12 spruced up their bad guy image among town officials. The local option hotel/motel and meals tax tallied a handsome $495,000 in FY11, up $150,000 from the previous year--and with the historic Lord Jeffrey Inn coming back on line soon, that amount should go up even higher in FY12.

The property tax is of course far and away the town's main revenue source, contributing 63%, with state aid a distant second at 20%. And within that property tax, the disparity between commercial and residential continues to be an embarrassment.

In the current fiscal year residential taxpayers contribute 91% of the tax base compared to commercial/industrial at a pathetic 9%. In 2002 it was 89% residential to an anemic 11% commercial/industrial.

Half of Amherst is owned by tax exempt entities: Amherst College and UMass coming in at #1 and #2 respectively, with the town itself #3 (mostly conservation land) and Hampshire College #4. UMass makes annual Payments In Lieu Of Taxes of $325,000 for Fire and Ambulance protection, Hampshire College does not. Amherst College kicks in $100,000 every now and then.

Town Meeting will vote next month on a couple of warrant articles that could help turn around that dismal commercial/residential ratio by stimulating commercial smart growth development. A $40,000 appropriation for a townwide housing marketing study but with particular emphasis on the Gateway Corridor area for a proposed commercial mixed use project, and Form Based Zoning in the North Amherst and Atkins Corner Village Centers.

Of course Town Meeting is also one of the main factors in stonewalling development of any kind as the BANANAs (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything) can usually muster the 34% minority vote required to kill a business friendly zoning change.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Highlighting success, a few at a time

Maria Geryk (far left) Amherst Regional School Committee to her left

Last night the Amherst Regional School Committee (representing Amherst, Leverett, Pelham and Shutesbury) heard a polished presentation from a small group of High School students concerning the Minority Student Achievement Network conference they attended in Columbia, Missouri courtesy of Maria Geryk, who found the money in her Superintendent's budget to cover costs.

The well dressed, polite students apprised the committee of their "action plan" to give back to the system they had learned to negotiate (some of them the hard way) and actually thrive, by becoming mentors to Middle School kids--teaching by example the benefits of hard work, discipline and family teamwork.

Proud parents swelled the audience demonstrating how invaluable family involvement is to academic success.

When asked what style of teaching worked best: challenging or coddling, a young woman responded in favor of the former. Another young man articulated how poverty plays an important role in disrupting education, something parental oversight helps to overcome.

Committee Member Steve Rivkin picked up on the benefits of higher expectations, even for poorer kids, by bringing up the $16,413 average student cost of education in Amherst--not known for a tough disciplinarian style-- compared to state average ($13,052), with relatively modest test scores to show for it.

Math results were particularly disappointing--especially among low income students.

He also criticized the deteriorated physical condition of Wildwood and Fort River elementary schools, calling them "substandard," while floating the idea of temporarily moving more grades (5-8 rather than current 7-8) into the underpopulated Middle School so renovations could occur at those older, less inviting schools.

Human Resource Director Kathy Mazur gave a brief presentation on Regional enrollment projections for the next five years showing a steady decline from the current 1,592 in 2011-12 year to 1,425 in 2016-17. The Regional school system enrollment peaked in 2001-02 with 1,668 total students.

Steve Rivkin

This dark drizzly evening, the Amherst schools hosted an Open House. Crocker Farm Elementary School, where my daughters attend, was packed with staff, students and parents. Maybe one reason Crocker Farm tested better than state average in math.

The sun also rises

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Truck scalping bridge strikes again!

South East Street bike path overpass

No, not the Snell Street bridge that is being replaced next year at a $1 million cost while only growing a few inches taller, no wider and closing a busy road for many months; the other bike path overpass a mile-and-a-half or so to the south east on/over, naturally, South East Street.

That one too has a low clearance, but at 10 feet still matches what the Snell Street Bridge will rise to after the state spends $1 million.

On Sunday around dusk, a new-to-the-area driver piloting a Ryder rental truck was jolted by the sudden piercing screech of metal scraping metal. A confrontation the bridge, even as old as it is, always seems to win.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Party House (s) of the Weekend

24 North East Street, Amherst

UPDATE Tuesday morning: See Anon Comment (from the entire student population of UMass) 12:26 AM. Honestly, I can't make this up.

Okay, today we have a tie. Naturally I can't resist the somewhat rare "girls gone wild" scenarios, so the apartment at 24 North East Street (a normally quiet neighborhood) earns the dubious award--especially since it's also hard to resist stupid drunk boys trying to act chivalrous in front of the girls, and getting arrested as a result. The old if-you-can't-free-them-join-them routine

According to Amherst Police Department logs:
1:19 AM (early this Monday morning). Cleared: 1:49 AM

Upon arrival to listed location officers observed excessive music and voices coming from apartment #9. Approximately 20+ guests at location. All four listed residents were uncooperative even after being advised of the TBL (town bylaw) for noise. All four placed under arrest for TBL violation. As officers were departing male party began pounding on hood of cruiser demanding the release of the four females who were arrested. Male party placed under arrest.

Rachel Dickey, 40 Packet Landing, Pembroke, MA, age 20
Kellie Lynn Mirtle, 5350 Granby Dr, Yorba Linda, CA, age 20
Caitlin Shore, 73 Cooley Ave, East Longmeadow, MA, age 21
Chelsea Goldrick, 36 Ridge Road, Hampden, MA, age 20
Philip Caraciolo, 14 Radburn, Hauppauge, NY, age 23

Ownership Card for #9 condo

Meanwhile in an another part of town, we have the more typical party boys acting like animal house frat boys:
286 Belchertown Road, Amherst; valuation $486,800

12:23 AM (early Saturday), cleared 12:48 AM

Loud party observed upon arrival. While attempting to clear the residence of its 300+ guests, a male party later identified as a resident, opened a second story window and began to urinate onto the roof. Alexander Banzy's genitals were in full view of approximatley 100 guests now outside in the driveway.

Benzy and a second resident were placed under arrest for TBL noise violation. Benzy additionally charged with indecent exposure.

Patrick Martin Comerford, 118 Grove St, N Attleborough, MA, age 21 Open Container violation
Reagan Eckler, 70 Newton St, Southborough, MA, age 19, Noise violation
Alexander Banzy, 45 Sylvanus Wood Ln, Woburn, MA, age 21, Unlawful Noise, Indecent Exposure
Nicholas Repko, 185 Highland Ave, Ludlow, MA, age 20, Under 21 possession liquor

Property Ownership card for 286 Belchertown Rd (note prominent UMass connection)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I drove through picturesque Wilmington, Vermont only a day before the normally tame Deerfield river rose up in rage and unleashed damages of biblical proportion. I remember regretting not having my camera, as the town was bustling with tourists drawn to its charm that carefree summer afternoon.

This afternoon I retraced my return to Amherst from Arlington, Vermont through Wilmington on a bright beautiful afternoon much like the one six weeks ago, and the town seemed as vibrant now as it did then.

Vermonters are survivors.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Never too much

29 Commemorative Flags now adorn downtown Amherst

Usually, Amherst forgets a sanctioned occasion or two for unfurling the 29 commemorative flags to observe the "official" holidays our--at the time overly PC--Select Board approved on the night of September 10, 2001, an ever-so-routine meeting in the People's Republic.

But this weekend we have the opposite case, where they put them up for an occasion not on the list: Columbus Day. Not that I'm complaining. Anything we can do to adorn the downtown is fine by me--and nothing is dressier than the American flag basked in brilliant sunlight.

Now if I were the critical type I'd point out that the town goes out of its way to commemorate someone accused of starting the genocide and enslavement of Native Americans, but this coming 9/11 will refuse to fly these very same flags to remember 3,000 Americans slaughtered on a stunningly gorgeous Tuesday morning, simply because they were Americans.

And if I were the really critical type, I would now roll my eyes and murmur, "Only in Amherst."

Never give up