Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nothing to do but pray

Amherst Town Manager John Musante, SB Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe

(See 1:30 PM update below)

I rejected using the above photo on the night of August 22 because it looked as though Selectboard Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe and the Town Manager were bowing their heads in prayer or observing a solemn moment of silence. Now the town is collectively doing exactly that, holding our breath, awaiting an update.

(They were actually reading a draft report of Mr. Musante's job performance, which was concisely summed up by Ms. O'Keeffe as "stellar.")

This week started out emotional enough as memories of 9/11 fill the air on the runup to Sunday's milestone anniversary. If 9/11 taught us anything, it is that life can change forever in a single moment. Whether trudging to work on a stunningly clear Tuesday morning, or walking your dog in the rain.

And yes, that's far from fair.
UPDATE: 1:30 PM Some good news to report!

Marlene Musante, through Town Hall, is issuing the following statement with regard to John’s condition, following his accident Tuesday morning:

John has been and remains in stable condition, and he is continuing to improve. His physicians have never assessed his condition as “critical” and reports to the contrary are erroneous.

John is being cared for in Baystate Medical Center’s Critical Care Unit. He would have been in the Intermediate Care Unit if there had been a bed available. These units provide the frequency of nursing care for the monitoring he requires.

It is understandable in such a circumstance that people will speculate on how this accident occurred, but the cause is unknown. In particular, our beloved dog may have had nothing to do with John’s fall, but he certainly was instrumental in John being identified and assisted.
John and our whole family are grateful for the enormous outpouring of prayers, good wishes and offers of assistance we have received.

It is such a comfort to have the support of friends, co-workers and the community in a difficult time like this. Thank you all very much.

Springfield Republican reports the sad news

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day weekend rap up

Besides issuing $300 noise violation tickets after arresting three party hardy types at #164 Sunset Avenue, the Amherst Police Department also arrested and fined 13 young offenders for what seems to be the most common alcohol violations in a college town where college is in session: "Liquor. Person under 21 possession," and "Open container."

And since these laws are fairly uniform nationwide, it's hard to argue "I didn't know."

APD busted another party apartment at Meadow Street Townhouse Apartments (scene of many past riots) under the noise ordinance with three arrested and each fined $300. The most serious violation concerning alcohol--Operating Under the Influence--only had one offender, but it only takes one to cause untold damage.

APD also distributed another dozen or so warnings for noise violations.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Borne back ceaselessly into the past

In 2001 wi-fi emitters did not get in the way of the commemorative flags

Ten years ago today the color drained from downtown Amherst as 29 red white and blue flags were removed from their perches on a gorgeous late summer Labor Day, no different from the mid-August Monday morning when they first flew to "test the apparatus," but looked so good the veterans agent decided to keep them flying.

Ten years ago today the congestion in downtown Amherst had returned to a busy peak after a seasonal summer of slumber. College kids came and went in all directions, while harried shopkeepers set a busy pace trying to keep up.

Today, Labor Day, the flags flew again. Ten years ago they were not scheduled to fly on 9/11...but did. At half staff. This Sunday on 9/11 they are scheduled to fly. Briefly.

They're Back: Party House Pre-Madonnas

Amherst Police Department 111 Main St

So I knew it was going to be an interesting "Party House of the Weekend" selection process this morning when the weekend police logs ran 49 pages compared to the usual 18 or 19, and the parking space directly in front of APD was occupied by an empty Bud Light beer can.

But even with these fortuitous foreshadowing facts, this week's winner still stands out for, well, stupidity. Stranger still, the ages of these party boys clearly indicate they are not newbie freshman. I guess it's going to be a l-o-n-g semester.

I'll let the log entries speak for themselves:
164 Sunset Avenue. Current assessment $428,000

Noise Complaint: Gone on Arrival
164 Sunset Avenue
2:00 AM (early Saturday morning)

Assist Citizen: Services Rendered
164 Sunset Avenue
9:44 AM Saturday

RP (reporting party) called to advise for the last three days running, the new occupants of #164 Sunset have been noisy, both from loud stereos and voices of people standing out in the front yard. Mr. H stated that several times, groups of students have walked down the street past his house, yelling and joking, headed toward the Fraternity house at #118 Sunset. He believes that they have found nothing going on or were turned away and then walk back up the street and end up in the yard at #164. He stated that these groups of students then wind up outside and inside #164 making noise until 3:00 AM. Mr. H also related that there is now a swath of trash in the roadway and lawn of the residences along this route. He noted beer bottles and cans and cups, etc. I advised Mr. H that his concerns would be brought to the attention of the Officers that work in this sector and that enforcement activities would be brought to bear on the residents of this location.

Assist Citizen: Services Rendered
164 Sunset Avenue
11:57 AM
I received an email from Mrs H relative to the noise and students congregating in the yard at 164 Sunset Avenue. She reports that the new tenants of that residence have produced a great deal of noise and foot traffic in the area for the last three nights running. She states that two of the residents did come to the house to speak with her relative to their noise issues and these persons requested Mrs H call them when problems arose. Mrs H did call these residents twice overnight about the noise problem, each time some effort was made by the residents to quell the noise and disperse the students gathered on the front lawn. Each time the noise and problem did return within a short time. Mrs H reports that the residents of the house are planning to have a party the evening of 09/04 but have promised to end the gathering at 10:00 PM. Mrs H does not believe that the residents have the ability to control the party. She is also concerned about the altercations that were heard brewing but does not believe any fights took place overnight. She also mentions trash, beer cans and bottles thrown in the street and in front of the building by persons drinking on the front lawn.

Community Policing. Services Rendered
164 Sunset Avenue
8:00 PM

I stopped and spoke with the residents of #164 Sunset Avenue. I provided them with the TBL (town bylaw) information sheets, my business card, and a thorough description of what the by-laws were meant to deter, and how enforcement was going to be meted out. I asked if they had any questions as to what was going to happen to them. They had none.

Noise Complaint. Adults Arrested
164 Sunset Avenue
10:15 PM
RP reports loud party at location.

Three residents arrested from listed location for violation of TBL noise. Loud party when Officers arrived. Approximately 40+ guests at house. Many college aged and consuming alcohol.


XXXXXXX, 164 Sunset Avenue, Amherst,MA, age 22
Zachary Wilgus, 164 Sunset Ave, Amherst, MA, age 21
Thomas Griffin, Westchester Rd, Jamaica Plain, MA age 21

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Triple Crown of losses

Groff Park pavilion: $150. Picnic table in foreground: free

After shanking Cherry Hill golf revenue projections by $46,463 and recreation/education programs by $76,014, Amherst's Leisure Services and Supplemental Education empire also flailed on pavilion rentals at Mill River and Groff Park, missing projections by $35,938.

Three years ago the recreation department started charging a $150 fee for using the formerly free park pavilions, and LSSE Director Linda Chalfant told the Select Board she was confident this new paradigm would generate $44,880 annually. This past year pavilion rentals totaled a paltry $8,862.

The main problem is people have a hard time paying (a lot) for something they used to get for free, and LSSE relies entirely on the honor method as no employee is charged with permit compliance checks.

Should people appear who do have a valid permit, you can simply move to any nearby picnic table, which is still free. Out of the six party groups I ran into over the summer using the Groff Park pavilion only one said they had taken out a permit and paid the fee.

Either the town needs to get as aggressive as they are with downtown parking enforcement, or return to the good old days--when some basic feel good services were free for the asking.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Lorax wanted

Big Ol' Oak Tree on West Bay Road

"Yes, I am the Lorax who speaks for the trees, which you seem to be chopping as fast as you please. But I'm also in charge of the brown Bar-ba-loots, who played in the shade in their Bar-ba-loot suits and happily lived eating truffula fruits. Now, thanks to your hacking my trees to the ground, there's not enough truffula fruit to go 'round! "

Twin Oak on West Street
Red Maple on West Street looking up...not so much for this particular tree
Official subpoena leading to a death sentence
Public Shade Tree Committee
September 13, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
First Floor Meeting Room, Town Hall.

PUBLIC HEARING: to review the proposed removal of the following public shade trees: one oak tree on West Bay Rd and one twin oak and one red maple on West St. Tree Warden will post signs on the trees during the weeks of 9/1/11. Trees: a. One oak tree, 28.3" DBH. b. One twin oak tree, 24" & 21" DBH. c. One red maple tree, 18" DBH. Tree locations: a. On the south side of West Bay Rd across from the new addition to Atkins Market. b. On the west side of West St across from Mountain View Cir. c. On the west side of West St across from Mountain View Cir.