Thursday, July 28, 2016

Let's Get Serious

Atkins Reservoir yesterday
Pelham Reservoir (Not in use at the moment)

With our immediate area in a "severe drought" and with over one-third of all communities in the state already implimenting "mandatory" water bans it's time Amherst became a tad more serious and upgraded the two-day old voluntary ban to a mandatory one (exempting farmers of course).

 Fort River barely flowing
Fort River near Groff Park

The somewhat Rube Goldberg water system we have is already in high-capacity mode three weeks before the college aged youth come flocking back to our town, which could be the bale of hay that breaks the camel's back.

UMass is immune from town edicts (you can tell which fields are irrigated)
Groff Park Wading Pool should remain exempt (Cherry Hill Golf Course, on the other hand)

No water over Puffer's Pond dam this morning

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


I guess they can blame it on the Associated Press

Oldest mantra in journalism teaches the 5 W's with "Who" being the first, the lead, the most important.  Although "what, when, where and why" play vital supporting roles.

So I was a little amazed early this morning when I ambled back from my driveway perusing the quaint print version of the Gazette with a photo of Bill Clinton under the banner headline "Clinton wins historic nomination".

Well yes, the headline is correct.  Because indeed having a female as a major party candidate for president is certainly "historic."  And yes, having a former President as a spouse to this candidate is also newsworthy.


Couldn't the Gazette have found a file photo somewhere of Hillary Clinton? 

Or did they publish a photo of Michelle Obama eight years ago when her husband clinched his "historic" nomination?

No Scorpion Bowls For You!

Scorpion Bowls at the ready back in October on a Thursday night

While Panda East had no problem getting unanimous Select Board approval for a liquor license transfer from an absentee manager -- now replaced -- Panda did volunteer to give up serving their highly profitable Scorpion Bowls, which is kind of like McDonald's giving up serving french fries.

But like most things that offer high profit returns there was a downside: Like the temptation to serve college aged youth not yet of legal age to be consuming alcohol.

Back in January Panda East was busted for serving 17 underage individuals, many of whom did not even have a fake I.D. The Amherst Select Board voted unanimously to suspend their liquor license for two days and placed another 5 day suspension on hold for two years.

Well they did not have to wait long as they were again accused by APD of serving two underage patrons in late April, one of whom (a 17-year-old female) had to be transported by AFD to the hospital for alcohol overdose.

The Select Board discussed revoking their liquor license outright but settled on a 55-day suspension from May 4th to June 27 and required they straighten out the manager of record for a liquor license situation by that end date.

Scarlet Letter:  Posted on window last month

Attorney Kristi Bodin told the Select Board on Monday that going dry for the past two months during a tough time to do business in Amherst anyway, was actually a good thing.

Panda came to realize you don't need to rely on alcohol service to stay alive, as long as long as you have good quality food.

I'll eat to that!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

What The Hell Is Going On?

For the 2nd time this month the Amherst Pelham Regional School Committee has cancelled at the last moment a meeting with an executive session to discuss "contract negotiations with nonunion personnel (Superintendent Maria Geryk)."

And yes, the first three times they posted the executive session agenda (with the 3rd one cancelled at the last minute) the postings did not disclose that it was Maria Geryk they were going to be talking about.

 RSC meeting 6/14: Only meeting all summer Maria Geryk attended

So far those secret talks in two executive sessions already held came to SIX HOURS!

Superintendent Maria Geryk, the highest paid town employee, has two years remaining on her lucrative contract, so why all the discussion now about her contract?

Yes, there's a provision in that contract for an additional year that automatically trips unless given 120 days notice, but it seems far fetched this ongoing mystery is simply about nixing a one year extension.

By Any Other Name

AFD Chief Tim Nelson and DPW Chief Guilford Mooring at Charter Commission last night

For DPW Superintendent Guilford Mooring and AFD Chief Tim Nelson a change in government would not necessarily be a game changer for how they run their operations. 

Mooring pointed out the DPW is not "sexy" to which Chief Nelson quickly responded "And we are?"

Although both quickly agreed AFD has better looking uniforms.

In response to a question from Charter Commissioner Nick Grabbe about how long the town has been talking about a new Fire Station and new DPW building Mooring responded, "We could work out of a Keebler elf oak tree for all the public cares" (as long as the roads and water supply still work).

Chief Nelson pointed out that is exactly why the town formed the DPW/Fire Station Advisory Committee: to help educated the general public of the need of these two new buildings and act as champions for both departments.

The Fire Chief went on to say:

"The challenge we face long term is the town wants us to do something and we have limited resources to do that. But at what cost? Injury rates go up, response time increases, sick leave escalates. We don’t like to say No. Town still wants all this done. We usually find a way, but it causes burnout. Government needs to figure out what it wants at what service level. We’re being asked to do a lot of things. Hard for us to keep up with day-to-day operations. We're keeping our head above water but with burnout. We need someone with the will to make a commitment (new station/increased staffing) and stick with it."
Mooring also had a comment that resonated with the Commissioners: it really doesn't matter what structure of government you have if the people who occupy the roles don't get along, then nothing positive will happen.

Both department heads stated they are "operational departments" where day to day duties and responsibilities can be very fluid, so  it's not always easy to take the time to provide needed communications to the general public.

And those communications should be a two way thing, otherwise frustration grows.

They also both agreed Town Meeting preparation takes up a lot of their time although fortunately they manage to get their annual budgets approved with little controversy, but those budgets are always a tad too lean.

Mooring closed his presentation to the Commission with the candid observation that he would not want to be in their shoes but they are "doing something important."

Chief Nelson agreed, urging them on: "Don't quit. Keep in mind you are doing the right thing and it will be very good for the town.  In the end it will all work out fine. "

Let's hope.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Hold Your Water

Community Field
Sweetser Park
In response to the recent hot weather, which has already pushed July to the highest consumption rate for that month in five years, Amherst will institute water restrictions to deal with the current drought starting tomorrow morning at 8:00 am.

The town has already fired up Well 4 which normally does not occur for another month in preparation for the return of our college aged youth which spikes demand for the month of September.

 Click to enlarge/read

Phase 1 for now is "voluntary":  watering of lawns are now on an every other day odd/even schedule according to house numbers but only before 9 am after 6 pm.

Cars also can be washed but only with those same time restrictions. And no filling of swimming pools.  Farms are exempt as are the municipal pools.

Phase 2 would be "mandatory" restrictions and could come via a state mandate.

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

Pelham brush fire Saturday 4:45 PM
Pelham brush fire Sunday morning 6:00 AM

 UPDATE:  Monday noon FIRE IS OUT
What a forest should look like (from 300 feet)

For the 3rd hot day in a row fire crews from a bevy of area local and state departments will go toe to toe with a stubborn brush fire in the woods of Pelham.  Crews have managed to encircle it with a fire line, so hopefully today they can close in for the kill.

Brutal today

 Pelham brush fire Sunday 3:00 PM

Pelham Brush fire Monday morning 6:00 AM

The blaze was first reported on Saturday and since then over 30 firefighters have traipsed into the Pelham woods each day for the past three days just off Old Pratt Corner Road, a rocky dirt road that had me singing John Denver's "Country Road" every time I was headed back out to paved Buffam Road.
Early Saturday morning meet up at Pelham Fire Station
Staging area off Old Pratt Farm Road 
Pelham Engine 1
Large 3,500 gallon tanker left refills Hadley 1,000 gallon tanker on right
Water is vital to fight fire and stay hydrated
 AFD treated one female firefighter for dehydration/heat exhaustion

Monday morning 6:00 AM

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Rescue Me!

Descending into a sewer to rescue Nani, age 10

After spending nearly an hour barking plaintively from deep inside a dark scary storm drain AFD and APD combined forces to free the little guy and the DPW will make sure her entry point is sealed.  With a side benefit of also keeping out the raccoons.

Now you know why AFD carries so much equipment
All's well that ends well:

Dog speak for "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Nani an hour later (fully recovered)
And yes I though about using Birdie  to scare Nani back out the way she came but it would have been a tight fit

Friday, July 22, 2016

No Fun For You!

Groff Park Wading Pool is closed due to technical difficulties

I knew something was wrong this afternoon as I approached the pool and three families were heading back towards their car with the children looking bone dry. And they looked pretty disappointed.

No wonder.

The Groff Park Wading Pool -- one of only two in town -- only opened last week and was getting plenty of usage from both parents and young children.  Plus this weekend will probably be the hottest one so far this summer.

Maybe it's time to break out the sprinklers on the town common.

UPDATE:  Pool reopened on Sunday morning.  Yea!

A Shining Light

Umass  three solar parking canopies will save $45K annually

Senate President Stan Rosenberg, a tireless workhorse for Western Mass in general and UMass/Amherst in particular, joined forces with Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy, outgoing State Rep Ellen Story and Judith Judson, commissioner of the state Department of Energy Resources (DOER), to officially welcome/unveil the first parking canopy solar arrays to our area.

 Good crowd on hand for the 10:30 AM ceremony

Over the next year the University will install two more of these parking lot canopy solar arrays as well as placing arrays on six buildings, a total of 15,576 panels, which will provide 5.5 megawatts of energy and save $6.2 million over the next 20 years.

 Vira Douangmany Cage, Amilcar Shabazz and Stan Rosenberg
Ellen Story:  "This is great advertising for UMass"
Stan Rosenberg:  "Emblematic installation highlighting the green future we desperately need"
Judith Judson:"Partners like UMass help us establish our goal of clean energy"

Chancellor Subbaswamy

Marijuana Quota Met?

169 Meadow St RMD site for GTI

Last night the Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously approved a Special Permit to establish and operate an Off-Site Medical Marijuana Dispensary at 169 Meadow Street, North Amherst by GTI Massachusetts NP Corporation, the second such permit issued over the past four weeks.

 Attorney Tom Reidy presents to ZBA last night

But, in all likelihood, the last such permit to be issued over the foreseeable future.

55 University Drive location received a Special Permit on June 30th

ZBA Chair Mark Parent made it perfectly clear that he considers two dispensaries in Amherst (and the one already operating in Northampton) more than enough to satisfy local demand over the next five years, saying "I don't see anything beyond two in Amherst.  I cannot image giving a 3rd permit for a dispensary given the numbers I've seen."

A Special Permit requires a unanimous vote off all three ZBA members.

Seated in the audience UMass community liaisons Tony Maroulis and Eric Beal seemed relieved to hear the ZBA Chair's candid remarks about maintaining a cap of only two dispensaries in Amherst, thus leaving out in the cold two remaining non-profits who have applied for locations on University Drive, the main gateway to UMass Amherst.

85 University Drive was the first to get Select Board approval but has not yet appeared before ZBA

Mr. Parent also made it perfectly clear the Special Permit was for medical use of marijuana, NOT recreational use. 

So if the recreational pot legalization ballot question passes on November 8th any dispensary in Amherst already issued a Special Permit would need to come back to the ZBA for a change in conditions.

Rafters,  a local landmark for 25 years, is a proposed site for Happy Valley Ventures, the 4th entity to get Select Board approval but has not yet appeared before ZBA

Letter from Select Board read into public record last night:

Click to enlarge/read

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Growing In The Way Of Progress

Linden Tree will be removed for a sidewalk/crosswalk project

At the joint meeting of the Planning Board and Tree Warden last night all six trees scheduled for demolition received a stay of execution, but not because of any of their actions.

Because of Mass state law if one person files a letter of protest over a tree removal then the matter is automatically diverted to the Amherst Select Board our "keepers of the public way."  And by last night there were two such letters filed.

The Planning Board did vote anyway and unanimously approved removing the Linden tree in front of the Jones Library for placement of a sidewalk and all but one of the trees along the north border of Kendrick Park.

Three of these four on Kendrick Park will go to make room for a new roundablut

This entire island will be removed for new roundabout

But not without some badgering of DPW Chief Guilford Mooring concerning the roundabout approved to go in that location.

New PB member Michael Birtwhistle more than once demanded to know if the town has a funding source in place for the new roundabout, to which Mooring responded he honestly did not know.

The motion that passed unanimously (but cannot be carried out until Select Board decides) allowed for the removal of three of the four trees, but only after a funding source has been confirmed for the construction of the roundabout.

 A roundabout has been approved by Public Works Committee and Select Board