Thursday, December 10, 2015

Keep Them Doggies Movin'


Why did the bovine cross the road?  To avoid a major demolition.

Hope the cow will move from her current location at 233 North Pleasant Street, the former Carriage Shops, to Realignment Park directly across the street at 236 North Pleasant Street, in front of a building owned by Barry Roberts.

The cow was fabricated as a combination public art project piggy bank with all the proceeds going to Craig's Doors homeless shelter.

The Design Review Board voted unanimously last night to approve the relocation although point person Jerry Gates said he would come back for approval of any smaller signs placed on Hope (like "Ride at your own risk").

The board also suggested she continue to face west after relocation so folks approaching her from Kendrick Park or town center will have a more inviting view of her sides rather than rear end.

Click to enlarge/read

The Business Improvement District also submitted a letter of support pointing out they have cleaned up the public art space around "Relocation Park" and wish to see the popular cow stay in town center.

The relocation will need the approval of the Public Arts Commission and it is on their 12/17 agenda.  Chair Rene Theberge was also in attendance last night and seemed supportive.

The Amherst Select Board as "keepers of the public way" have final authority over the move and with this being an election year they are probably not going to want to mess with a popular downtown icon -- especially one named "Hope".

Hope (visible top center) would be located a few feet north of this art installation

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

He's Baaaaack

Mr. Frost has been reinstalled
The DPW used longer bolts to attach Mr. Frost to his solid seat

The silhouette of Robert Frost -- making up half the public art installation known as a "A Poetic Dialogue" -- returned to his perch recently curtesy of the DPW.

Now his dialog with Miss Emily, the Belle of Amherst, can continue.

Meanwhile the First Congregational Church directly across the street replaced their stolen rainbow flag, only this time decided to place it in a spot making it much harder to grab and go.


Lord Jeffery Inn

You could tell Select Board member Jim Wald (who works for a sorta competing higher education entity) was not overly impressed with a request from Amherst College owned Lord Jeffery Inn for a 50% break on parking fees for an event next March.

After Chair Alisa Brewer breathlessly explained that the Lord Jeff had booked the event before realizing the parking rate had doubled from $5 to $10 per bag (thus reserving the space for their use only) and they were requesting a one time rollback to the old rate.

Mr Wald responded incredulously with only word, "Seriously?!"

Probably because the Lord Jeff Inn is valued at over $5 million, although to their great credit they do pay both property taxes and the town's local Hotel/Motel Tax (unlike cheapskate UMass Campus Center Hotel).

Which set the tone for the rest of the brief discussion.  The board unanimously approved setting aside the 40 spaces, but at the current $10 rate.

Last year: bagged parking meters in front of Lord Jeff for a wedding

DUI Dishonor Roll

Police took four alleged drunk drivers off the road over the weekend -- two in Amherst and two in Hadley -- and three of the four consented to a breath test, of which the results clearly shows why they were arrested.

All four were arraigned before Judge Payne in Eastern Hampshire District Court and had their cases continued over the next six weeks.

Venetia Fotopulos 

Keri Quinlan

Kathryn Agalar

Jenna Gagnon

Yeah, I'm The Taxman

Principal Assessor David Burgess

Principal Assessor David Burgess made his scintillating annual appearance before the illustrious Select Board to set the tax rate for the coming year, which is already too high and will only go higher, from $20.54 up to $21.22 per thousand.

Also as usual the SB decided not to "split" the tax rate and charge commercial property more in order to save homeowners a small amount.

For instance if the board had decided for the maximum shift allowed the tax rate for homes would drop to $20.01 (pretty much the same ridiculous rate we pay now) and commercial would skyrocket to $31.83.

Or put in more simple terms the average taxbill for an average home would go from $6,842 down to "only" $6,456 while the average commercial bill would go from $7,627 up to $11,148.  Ouch!

These out of whack numbers clearly underscore a major problem:  Amherst is overly reliant on residential property, a whopping 90% of the tax base.

The good news is recent development has spurred annual "new growth" which Mr. Burgess projects around $750,000 for the upcoming fiscal year mainly due to Olympia Oaks and Kendrick Place coming on line.

And since rents are continuing to rise in Amherst he told the Select Board large apartment complexes will "take a hit" after his next reevaluation.  With dwelling structures of 4 units or greater the assessor uses a formula that considers net operating profits so the higher the profits the higher the valuation the higher the tax burden.

Too bad he could not use that same formula with smaller (less than 4)  housing units as slumlords could then be assessed based on their cash flow rather than the crappy condition of their units -- which leads to lower assessments and maximum profits.

Phillips Street, the slummiest street in Amherst, has only 1 owner occupied home

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

No Grant For You!

Historic North Common in front of Town Hall 

The town is on roll with state grants lately ... as in rolling off a high cliff.

Last night Interim Town Manager Dave Ziomek informed the Select Board the $400,000 PARC grant  (Parkland Acquisitions & Renovations for Communities) rehabilitation of the historic North Town Common was denied,  for the second time now.    

The town also recently lost out on mega-million MassWorks grants for rebuilding Pine Street and the funky intersection in North Amherst.

Of course the Community Preservation Act Fund is flush with money after the town increased the surcharge rate to 3%, so town officials will probably move to tap those reserves to get the needed job done.

Ho, Ho Humbug

Select Board could suspend permit of a downtown bar causing a public disturbance

The Amherst Select Board, who are also the official state "Liquor Commissioners" for the town, heard a brief report last night from Interim Town Manager Dave Ziomek on the town's preparedness for the downtown pub crawl Santa Con, stumbling into town center on Friday.

He has "Every confidence we are as prepared as we can be.  Staffing will be up in both police and fire departments and Chief Livingstone will be on duty ... we will be prepared."

But Select Board Chair Alisa Brewer let it be known "If things go badly I want their names -- the establishments who participated -- in public.  If they created a problem I want it to be known."  She requested Mr. Ziomek provide a public post mortem at their December 14 meeting.

Connie Kruger also displayed her displeasure with the event asking Mr. Ziomek for ongoing reports the night of the event while she clearly stated, "My message is this event really is unwelcome in this town."

There was also some discussion -- and you could practically see their eyes rolling -- about how UMass Isenberg School of Management is probably not overly proud of their recent graduate turned hospitality entrepreneur.

And how perhaps the Campus & Community Coalition could have done more in response to this event -- especially after they recently opposed a beer/wine permit for a hard working small business owner on the outskirts of town center.

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Cost Of Competition

Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School is located next door in Hadley with a new $10 million building expansion

Besides the half hearted threat from Shutesbury to create chaos with the funding mechanism for next year's Regional Budget by voting down the current assessment method, the other -- even more stunning -- thing to come out of the Four Towns meeting on Saturday was the negative impact Charter School competition will have on next year's budget.

FY2017 Charter Tuition projected increase is $493,650 as the number of Regional students attending Charter schools escalates by 10, going from the current 93 up to 103 at an average cost of around $20,000 each.

Last year total cost of Charter/Vocational/Choice students opting out of ARPS was $2.6 million; this coming year it is projected to increase to $3.1 million.

 Kathy Mazur, Sean Mangano, Maria Geryk at Four Towns meeting

The anticipated budget gap for a level services budget next year is $460,000 which is way better than the $900,000  gap we were looking at last year around this same time.

But that entire amount could be covered if we were not losing an additional $493,650 in Charter School payouts.

Superintendent Maria Geryk freely admitted to the Four Towns meeting that "Charter Schools are the driving force for our our budget going up."  And, she added ominously,  "The Charter cap statewide may be lifted.  If so, we will suffer."

Click to enlarge/read
Budget projected to increase 3.4%.  Amherst Finance Committee recommendation to town departments is max of 2.5%

A Date That Has Lived In Infamy

USS Arizona 12/7/41

USS Arizona today

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (12/7/41)

“With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounded determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt (12/8/41)

Total killed at Pearl Harbor 2,402

Attack begins:  7:48 a.m.

USS Arizona explodes: 8:10 a.m.

USS Arizona:  1,177 killed in action, the highest loss of live in US naval history. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

We Are The Champions

Hampshire Gymnastics scored 1st place team award yesterday. 

My diminutive daughter Jada scored a pair of 9.47s, taking two first places and two second places, to help Hampshire Gymnastics win first place team yesterday at the Thompsons Holiday Invitational Gymnastics meet held at Holyoke Community College.

 Jada scored first place on the balance beam with a 9.47

Hampshire Gymnastics was one of my inspirations/role models when I first opened the Karate Health Fitness Center way back in 1982.

Founders Anne and Norm Vexler were very successful athletes at UMass around the same I attended and after graduation they remained in Amherst making a successful business doing what they love.

They say if you find (or make) a job doing what you love then you never work a day in your life.

Having run an athletic business for 28 years I know all too well that's a bit of an optimistic exaggeration.

But at the end of even the most trying day all it takes is a child's beaming smile after they get something right to remind you of the boundless rewards of running your own business.

Although you can still see Norm and Anne at the Club, it has been handed down to a pair of most capable hands -- their champion daughter, Talya.

Looks better viewed at YouTube site

Note the response of Jada's two coaches, Talya and Miss Betsy, near end of routine

Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Nuclear Option

Shutesbury representatives dealing with a tough crowd

Well over half the 2.5 hour  "Four Towns Meeting" this morning consisted of sometimes vitriolic discussion of Shutesbury's self serving presentation requesting a change in the Regional Assessment formula from the current rolling five year average (equal cost per student) back to the state Statutory Method which uses a blend of voodoo based on property values, average income and aggregate wealth.

Simply put, the main difference is between perceived "ability to pay" versus the undeniable equity of everybody pays the exact same cost per students.  Thus the more students you have in the system the higher your costs.

And Shutesbury representatives were quick to admit that their costs are going up because of increased enrollments.

Outgoing Finance Director Sandy Pooler pointed out there are "Imperfections in statutory method measurement of wealth"

Response from the other three towns was downright testy ranging from a Pelham official branding it "really outrageous" to Leverett representative Kip Fonsh linking it to Shutesbury's lack of support for the expanded Regionalization from current grades 7-12 all the down to PreK:

"Context is everything.  The Regional Agreement has worked remarkably well over five decades. I'm profoundly distressed and disturbed over this presentation.  You failed to put forth the expanded Regional proposal that was four years in the making.  This past year all I’ve heard is lack of action on the part of Shutesbury to educate its citizens about how Regionalization would address their needs.  I have not heard a single positive thing!  Now I hear Michael DeChiara saying he would not support it.  If you don’t advertise, people will not come out.  This presentation represents a shift in the culture of the Region.  You have not lifted a finger for Regionalization.  That’s alarming." 

The four town school Region is bound by a 50+ year old Regional Agreement that requires a unanimous vote of all four Town Meetings to amend.  But only three of four are needed to pass the annual budget.

 Town reps were a mix of school committee, finance committee and select board

The Region has used the current equitable five year rolling average assessment method since 2008 and any method that differs from the state Statutory Method must also be approved by all four towns.

Every year since 2008 all four towns have passed a Town Meeting article calling for use of the alternative method to fund the Regional School Budget, and then the next article to pass would be their share of that budget.

So in other words little Shutesbury, with only 4% of the Region's population, can vote down the use of the more equitable method favored by the other 96% and that would then automatically switch financing back to the original statutory method.

Either way the proposed budget contribution of $19,539,329 from the four towns stays the same.

Of course at that point two other towns could then vote down the budget (which requires three-out-of-four to pass) because they dislike the extra increase in costs shifted to them.

Like Amherst for instance.  Under the current assessment method Amherst would pay $15,196,144  of the total budget of $19,539,329 a 2.5% increase over last year; but under the Statutory Method  Amherst would pay $15,465,851 an additional increase of $269,707 or a 4.3% increase over last year.

The Amherst Finance Committee has set guidelines for all town departments to keep budget increases to a maximum of 2.5%.

Shutesbury representatives did seem shell shocked by the universally hostile reaction to their budget eating Modest Proposal, and chances are they're only bluffing,  however:

Amherst Finance Committee Chair Kay Moran said the towns may want to think about creating two town budgets this year, one with each method. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Merry, Merry, Merry

Umass band at center between Merry Maple and Main Street

Well maybe not visible from outer space, but the Merry Maple sure stands out from 400 feet up.  I can see why it took almost a week to string all the lights.

This harkens back to the Amherst of old, and can't help but warm the heart of even the staunchest Grinch.

 Click to enlarge

Zoning Bylaw Safely Upheld

382 North Pleasant Street

If the town ever wants to generate revenue on the side they could always hire out the Building Department as private investigators.

Last night after a thorough 30 minute presentation by Building Commissioner Rob Morra the Zoning Board of Appeals, with little discussion, unanimously affirmed his October 2 enforcement order to the owner of 382 North Pleasant Street declaring it in violation of the town's four-unrelated-tenants-per-one-family-unit bylaw.

 13 names show up associated with 382 N. Pleasant Street address

Morra used Amherst police license checks to definitively show 8 tenants were members of UMass Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity (which coincidentally has no official address) and anther two cars present during the month of September were also owned by frat members, bringing the total to 10.

In addition two more names showed up when police were called to quell a party there on July 4th.

Mr. Morra also presented photos from a Facebook page showing gatherings on the front porch and back parking lot of the house at 382 North Pleasant Street plus Internet comments about how they threw great parties.

Amherst Fire Department assisted by monitoring the parking lot behind the building during the month of September and routinely found ten cars present in the early morning hours with cold engines indicating that had been there overnight.

The two individuals who did not register with the landlord for a parking permit also just happened to be employed by the landlord, Clifford Laraway, who also owns the Subway in town center.

After the October 2 order from the Building Commissioner they went to Town Hall and took out a downtown street parking permit and indicated they worked at Subway.  They then simply started parking near 382 North Pleasant Street, but not in the official back parking lot.

The defendants put up a pitiful rebuttal providing signed statements by (supposedly) all eight tenants saying they were the only tenants in the two unit structure.  Lawyer Tom Reidy also provided copies of eight checks used for security deposits.

But when questioned about the two individuals who work for his client at Subway, Mr. Reidy could only provide their (non local) home addresses.

In addition during their brief discussion of the evidence ZBA Chair Mark Parent also brought up the site visits that showed numerous extra mattresses in storage and extra rooms locked from the outside with a padlock.

At 7:30 PM, one hour after the hearing started, Mr. Parent made the motion to uphold the order of the Building Commissioner due to "overwhelming evidence the building at 382 North Pleasant Street was occupied by more than eight tenants."  The motion passed unanimously.

The board then moved on to the continuation of the Special Permit hearing to allow the structure to remain a "two family" unit with no more than eight tenants. 

AFD Chief Nelson had issued an order on October 29 requiring the owner to "Install Adequate System of Automatic Sprinklers" because AFD considered the house a "boarding house."

 AFD Chief Nelson telling the ZBA, "Safety is our main concern."

But the Chief said he would hold off on enforcing that order if the ZBA declared the property a two family duplex and instituted conditions that made him believe the landlord would enforce the eight tenant occupancy cap.

ZBA member Tom Ehrgood was visibly angered by the Appeal Hearing saying, "I've lost some confidence in Mr. Laraway.  How is it his two employees are parking in his lot without him knowing it?  Every one of those tenants made a false statement!  How do we know everything is not a fictional scenario?"

Unhappy landlord Cliff Laraway (left) befuddled attorney Tom Reidy (right)

Soon thereafter Mr. Laraway was angered to the point of shouting over the contention the rear fire escape needs to be certified by a structural engineer as soon as possible.  Laraway muttered that was "yet another $2,000 bill.  That's ridiculous!"

ZBA Chair Mark Parent shot back "Safety is not ridiculous".  Chief Nelson added, "Bottom line is we want them to have a safe building.  We want to work with them to ensure safety."

Building Commissioner Morra also pointed out he could fine them $1,000 per day for having an unsafe fire escape.

After 2.5 hours of give and take the ZBA unanimously approved the Special Permit for the building to be a two family house as long as the owner follows all the conditions, mainly centered around keeping the number of tenants to eight.

The Building Commissioner is only issuing a temporary certificate of occupancy through May 31, the end of the lease for current tenants.  But by September 1st the owner will install a knox box, wired fire detection panel, certified safe fire escape, and a management plan/lease that helps enforce the 8 person limit.

Between now and June 1st town officials will make three "safety inspections" with only 24 hours notice to the owner, and thereafter one per semester.

The parking plan can retain 10 spaces although stricter language in the lease will now clearly describe the two "guest" parking spots cannot be used more than 3 nights consecutively.

 Two guest parking spaces will be more closely monitored

The Special Permit will come up for review at a public hearing in a year just to review how the new management plan is working.

Building Commissioner Rob Morra told the ZBA that between now and then, "We will be watching them."  Cue the Jaws theme.

 Conditions that must be met and maintained
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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Another Day, Another Massacre

It's getting that our flag is down in a position of mourning so often that people will start to tune it out. 

If they haven't already.

 Click to enlarge/read

This is an update to the below order from Governor Charlie Baker. *In accordance with the Presidential proclamation Flags will remain at half-staff until sunset on Monday, December 7, 2015.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

This Old House

1146 South East Street a few years back
All that remains today

One of the downsides of Amherst having over 50 boards, committees, task forces and working groups is you have to staff them all.  Last August for instance the Historical Commission was down three members and as a result could not muster a quorum to hold a "demolition delay" hearing. 

So the grand old house at 1146 South East Street, with of course a great view of the mountains to the east, ended up slipping through the cracks.  And now it's history. 

 Click to enlarge/read

The most the Historical Commission could have done was to enact a one year demolition delay, although at their last meeting they are discussing trying to enhance their powers to delay demolitions for 18 months.

Either way, too late for this old house.

Sudsy Santa

And what's that Santa is holding in his right hand?

The kiddies promoting this childish event took umbrage at the Santa Con (Manhattan) photos I used to illustrate my post when I first broke this sordid story, and two weeks later they are still crying about it on the front page of the venerable Daily Hampshire Gazette.

But it was okay for them to use a photo of an obviously passed out drunk Santa in their Facebook promotion of the event?

Which also exposes their true motives for unleashing on our downtown this travesty.

Ho, ho, hick-up.

 Today's Gazette:  "Jollity" indeed