Arriving in town center at 9:30 AM for the Memorial Day Parade Ceremony I couldn’t help but notice the main town Amherican flag was, finally, brought down to its rightful position of mourning for this solemn day.
Also noticeable: when Amherst wishes to allow town equipment in a Parade they pull out all the stops. And apparently Hadley did not hold it against Amherst for missing their Memorial Day observation as the Hopkins Academy marching band put on a great show.
Amherst Regional High School does not, of course, have a marching band (too militaristic)
The Amherst July 4’th Parade Committee made both events as did indefatigably piper Ryan Willey.

The photo below was taken at 1:45 PM. What's wrong with it? Let me count the ways. On Memorial Day the American flag goes down to half staff only from dawn till
high-noon. And the US flag should
never be lower than a foreign flag.