Thursday, January 19, 2017

Party Chill

To any of my longtime readers this official "Party Smart" report will come as no surprise, since my Party House of the Weekend installments over the past two years have slowed so dramatically I should rename it Party House of the (every other) Month.

And since my monthly page views continue to be as high as ever the P.T. Barnum in me couldn't care less.

But the crusading journalist in me is overjoyed.

Ironically the Select Board gets this presentation on Monday night, the first day of classes at UMass.   They will also be discussing recreational marijuana.

No doubt the Select Board will be considering ways to both limit and slow down the establishment of recreational pot retailers in town.

Too bad because if we could get the college aged youth to switch from alcohol to pot the rowdy party house or Blarney Blowout type episodes will diminish even more. 

Either way, the town and University are winning the war on rowdyism. I'll drink, err, smoke to that!


  1. So Enku's tied down all the safety levers.

    It'll be interesting to see what happens over time.

  2. Why do you care? You don't live here.

    1. Why do you have to point this out every time the man makes a comment? So irritating. And what does it matter whether he lives here? Anyone can post here.

    2. It is probably Kurt G .. I think he has a crazy ax to grind w Ed

    3. As the owner of the closest pizza shop to Umass Students I have been very happy ! I was nervous at first because there have been issue previously in this spot for years ! However my staff and I have worked diligently at creating a atmosphere of respect with our customers.. initially I had hired a late bouncer but as the students realized we were a fun, nice place to be I soon realized we did't need one. Like everything in life you get what you give.. If you respect the students and treat them right they will return the favor!

  3. As a crippled for life victim of a hit & run DWI drunk driver-the perp was probably stoned-too-I worry that legalized pot is a new loophole in safe driving laws-I understand most drunk drivers also smoke weed-and when combined this has a very dangerous-powerfull effect on sane-safe driving skills-I hear the police basically have no standards to cite stoned-impaired drivers-I would hate to see more innocents suffer what I have-being victimized by substance abuser drivers !!

    1. You refer to yourself as a victim every time you post. Get some help.

    2. Sooooooooo... you are aware that lack of empathy for victims..and drunks leave DWI victims in their symptomatic of an alcoholic personality disorder mental illness disease...alcohol creates anti-social pathogenisis-your it !!!?@&)$$$

    3. Dumb. Particularly enjoyed the initial comment about most drunk drivers also smoking marijuana. Bwahaahahahahaha. Are you serious? @#$_&-+()/@#$_&-+()/!!!

    4. This is the thing about substance abuse... it leads to poor psychological personality affect . Yes-I am dead serious-I am a disabled American crippled for life and catastrophically injured by a hit & run drunk DWI driver. It is no joking matter-alcoholism destroys life-often not just the perps !!!!

  4. The logo of Amherst should be some 50 year old upper class woman with her nose turned up and arms crossed over her chest pointing over both shoulders. One hand will be pointing at the party to blame and the other will be pointing at the party to pay.

    People realize that this is less a reflection on the college kids and more a reflection on the state of parenting in Massachusetts over the last 20 years, right? This is a sign that parents crossed a line and failed more than previous generations. It is outright shameful, especially that in the last 20 years, parents got so much support and assistance from the community and children because the focus and families were on average so much more wealthy. Perhaps the wealth is actually the problem?

    While I understand the rush to try to deal with the effect of this, what do folks suggest we do about the cause? What can we do to show the parents of future generations that the techniques of the current parental generation are not adequate or are in fact backfiring?

    Most of us are also aware that once these kids graduate, they are also worth far less than their predecessors and often not even worth the investment. The common speak of how to deal with these millennial workers is that the bosses need to take time and learn how to finish raising the kids, because the parents overwhelmingly did not. At the same time, the kids have no respect for experience and expect to be paid like they have been working for decades AND do a good job. This is a sign of the same issue now coming back to government, the community, who already gives up so much in taxes and rights to help parents complete their job, now have to also finish raising their kids because parents were too busy working or thinking that organized activities raise kids vs. the documented effect of killing creativity and drive.

    Seems like it is time for some PSAs and not for the kids, for the parents, as they are failing us. Time for them to get permits, not the rest of us.

  5. .....and YOUR saving graces..pray tell !?? ( fell off the wagon-just Say'n !!!!???? )

  6. Victims of DWI drunk drivers are NOT getting what they deserve-lives are destroyed by negligently criminal perps !?@&)$$

  7. I think the part about those who register having to sew a yellow or white swath of fabric on their outer clothing to be quite practical. It helps us ID them as shameful people.

    It is important to make sure that those that do this stand out, even if such a law is a clear violation of the first amendment by abridging the right of people to peacefully assemble, even in their own home, just based on the suspicion of future behavior, based on their societal group.

    The fact that this is happening in Amherst is even cooler. An illegal and immoral law based on stereotypes and suspicion of future activity on private property being unpleasant. It almost seems that this law may meet the definition of a hate crime....

  8. Facts matter 3:06 - starting salaries aren't what they used to be, nor is a college degree the enabler it once was. Today, unless you are in the public sector, you are screwed.

    The threshold was the 1990 Recession, those entering the labor force after that simply didn't/aren't earning what older workers were earning at their age/experience level. This is a fact, and you can't blame them for noticing it.

    Likewise is the rise of the unpaid internship, which should be illegal.

    Throw in the obscene rise in college costs and they have a legitimate gripe.

    And rent Dazed & Confused some night -- they aren't worse than their parents...

  9. A lesson to Amherst and APD: If you make an effort to work WITH the students they are very willing.

  10. Soooooooo....Where do MY rights to privacy and physical depredations from drunks fit in ?!!!! What's so ethical about disturbing the peace of or violating the body or rights of those not party to your hooliganisms ?!$@&$$$

  11. What does !$@&$$$ mean?

    1. Dumb, again. Read a sixth grade english book. Pick up some grammar, please.

  12. The UMass calendar change (students finished and gone in early May) and miserable weather years have helped too.

  13. What percentage of the off-campus UM students actually live in Amherst? My guess is that it is declining for economic as well as social reasons. And Springfield attracts UM students in a way it didn't use to -- of course they are driving home drunk from there, but who cares about that...

    1. You know what's really SCARY ??? UMass is nurturing the attitudes that those with future authority in fields that get impacted by substance abuse will have- can they ever " Be professional" ( or are they as doomed as last seasons UConn "Mac n cheese" dudester ?!!!)

  14. We were going to have a wedding for our daughter at home, how will we be effected by this? We have already made all the arrangements, what if the town does not approve our wedding?

  15. Half of all weddings end in divorce. Maybe it's a sign.

  16. ....that you will be supporting your daughter forever.
