Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Even In Amherst

Although trounced 10-1 in Amherst -- and some insiders were surprised it was not greater -- the town will display the 30 commemorative American flags tomorrow or early Friday morning in the downtown to honor the peaceful transition of power occurring in Washington, D.C. aka Inauguration Day, when Donald Trump becomes the 45th President of the United States.

Some of you may remember back in 2004 after the contentious reelection of President Bush, Amherst Town Meeting member Pat Church confused the flag of Puerto Rico with that of Texas and snatched it from the pole immediately in front of Town Hall.

So I am a tad concerned about the security of the 30 commemorative flags -- especially after the flag burning incident at Hampshire College.

Our country is founded on the fundamental right to peacefully protest.  And yes, even flag burning is protected by the First Amendment.

Just not these taxpayer funded public flags originally paid for out of the Veterans Department commemorations budget.


Click to enlarge/read
UPDATE Friday morning:

Amhersst even broke out the really BIG flag, although not nearly large enough to absorb all the tears that will be shed in town today.


  1. Well Larr…after you brought it to everyones attention, you can guarantee it will happen. Ad you'll get what you wanted !
    More hits on your site !!

  2. God Bless America, Amherst! Land of the Free!!

  3. Good way to keep warm.... ;-)

  4. I keep a flag on my Leverett garden....more because it's cheery and festive...also good for overbearing nouveau ex-urbanites who think they own everything and usutpingly co-opt it . The town wanted our property for a park-but then the nimbys were to put so many restrictions on it-while we would pay tax until transformation-all that-and they only pay for single city style lot acreage themselves-pretty discouraging-this is why some find " liberals" anathema-go figure !!!?????$$$$$

  5. The Sun'll Come Out ...

    Tomorrow !!!!

  6. Everyone who voted elected this guy and should refrain from protest and leave that right to those that did not participate in the process that elected this guy.

    If you voted for Hillary or someone else, you firmly said that the results of the vote are to be honored.

    If you did not vote and stated clearly that you should be making more of your own decisions vs. all these so called leaders, you implicitly retained your moral right to protest the results of the vote, you were not part of the electorate that legitimized they system.

    The ironic part is those that voted for Hillary think they did more to stop Trump, when in fact they honored any winner by playing.

    Those that protest the results after voting are like high school ball players that spit at the other team when shaking hands after loosing. They are just sore loosers and most certainly poor examples for their peers.

    Kudos to Amherst leaders for honoring an election that literally stands as a mandate to decrease the influence of people like them. Now let's see if they actually honor it and do more with less, like the rest of us.

    Larry, did you see the Vanity Fair protest cover where the flag is draped all over the ground....?

  7. Hilarious that the same people advocating private property rights encourage an imperialist symbol planted on their land.

    Also it's a great time to be a 1% even though I voted for Hillary. My family and I will honor the election by reaping the financial rewards of Trump's policies and billionaire crony cabinet members.

    1. An imperialist symbol. Lol. You don't realize what a joke you are. And you wonder why you lost. It's to laugh.

  8. All the people commenting here who hate and despise the flag and the country: why are you here? Why don't you leave?

  9. You protest all you want. I protest you. Do you think either of us has any effect?

  10. What about those of us who voted, accept the outcome, love the country, and are thrilled at the result - shall we celebrate?

    Indeed, we shall celebrate.

  11. So now that it's official, where can I pick up my armband? [clicks boot heels]

  12. This is the saddest day in my life as a citizen. This includes the assassinations of JFK RFK MLK and 9/11 !!

  13. So now that it's official, where can I pick up my armband? [clicks boot heels]

    No, it's a pink hat -- available in various venues.

    Now bear in mind one other thing: The middle will not hold indefinitely.
    Attack Trump -- cry "wolf" -- from the get-go and don't expect any of us to pay attention when a real wolf appears. Or if Trump ever were to do something he should be called on....

    Folks, the rioters (which IS what they are) are burning vehicles, smashing store windows, and throwing bricks at the DC Police. Do you really want to be associated with that????

  14. The motives of the Lowest Common Denominator are always very circumspect-and abridge others pursuits of life-liberty and the pursuit of DWI drunk driving apologist -no skin off your apple-doesn't even start to feign to make questionability right-heads up ?!!!This is what's good about Larrys blog-keeping it real with these types-Lord-they need it !??!!

  15. Sorry, Anon 5:14! Hope you feel better soon. Worst case, you'll awaken 8 years from now as I did, today, and say "Our long national nightmare is over!"

  16. Today it is the FemiNazi Flameout: Sorry, girls, your husband, the government, is dumping you.

  17. The Tree Department bucket truck used to remove the flags this morning was a bit of an overkill. (Too tall for the simple task at hand.)
