Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Party House of the Weekend

Last weekend was a throwback to the bad old days of three or four years ago when the classic party house -- single family student rentals owned by absentee landlords -- reared their noisy heads.


 Click to enlarge/read

The town has been investigating 26 Allen Street for many, many months now as a suspected frat house and incidents like this only add to the evidence.

And 80 West Street was only purchased by Jamie Cherewatti two years ago and this is the second time it has made Party House of the Weekend (with some of the same perps).

 Picard (obviously not the Captain)

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday the Commonwealth originally was going to place each perp on "supervised probation" for four months with a $50/month supervision cost (paid to the Court) but the Probation officer told Judge Estes its never been done that way before.


So they switched back to the usual way of handling these by converting the criminal charge to civil with payment of a $300 fine.  They are still on (unsupervised) probation for four months.


After all eight were dealt with the Judge even mentioned that it generated over $2,000 for the town.  I felt like interjecting, "And the taxpayers of Amherst thank you."


  1. As a crippled for life victim of a hit & run drunk driver - I lost everything - family homestead included - taxpayers had to pay 15 years of nursing home and past / present medical ongoing expenditures - now that's a party - NOT !!!

  2. So you want to force people to party elsewhere, knowing that they'll be driving back drunk?!?!?

    Wouldn't it be better to let them drink here -- as they won't have to drive back here?

    Larry, you have had your own issues with ETOH, and I respect that, but most folks don't/won't. Young people have been drinking to excess since Biblical times, it's gonna happen.

    Hence a Faustian choice as to which evil is worse and which you more want to prevent: Party Houses or Drunk Driving. You're not going to prevent both, and the thing you need to understand is that your zero tolerance for the former is CREATING the latter.

  3. Flush, Flush, Flush -- the Red Sox are in the playoffs, let the games begin.

  4. .....and yet somehow-drunken frat society's create a culture of ignorance about drunk driving-which resulted in a frat boy giving me the verbal "Finger" for being handicapped at a coffee shop-last weekend-such disdain-from those that profess "Good boy "Christian" virtue-I am crippled/DWI hit & run victim..think about that..for a NY minute...Hmmmmm !!!

  5. .....and yet somehow-drunken frat society's create a culture of ignorance about drunk driving-which resulted in a frat boy giving me the verbal "Finger" for being handicapped at a coffee shop-last weekend

    Your issue is with corrupt police officers, although even with OUI, there are very few accidents where the victim didn't have some element of contributory negligence. People wear dark clothes and walk in the road at night, on streets that aren't lit, or ride bicycles recklessly or do a variety of other things that don't help.

    In any case, I doubt you were completely innocent in the coffee shop incident.

    such disdain-from those that profess "Good boy "Christian" virtue-I am crippled/DWI hit & run victim..think about that..for a NY minute...

    Yes, I will -- go fuck yourself.

    Something bad happened to you -- I'm sorry it did. But the current UM students didn't do it, they weren't even alive at the time, and there are consequences for treating them like shite.

    So go fuck yourself.

    1. Ed - Stick to diet sugar caffeine free Crystal Light ... when you bowl over handicaps to get the non dairy creamer ... just say' n !!!!
