Friday, September 16, 2016

Drought Dilemma

Amherst Regional High School late this afternoon

Water to drink, flush toilets and fight fires ... or water to keep athletic fields green and soft?

With the water crisis getting anything but better, and with the current concern being a closure of our #1 employer, UMass/AMHERST, do we really want to relax water protocols now in favor of athletics?

Click to enlarge/read


  1. Why not haul it from the Connecticut River?

  2. Looks like Principal Mark Jackson is asking for community input. Did you write him and tell him your opinion?

  3. No, I did not.

    I'm a journalist so I'm not supposed to have an opinion.

  4. So there's no opinion in this sentence?

    "With the water crisis getting anything but better, and with the current concern being a closure of our #1 employer, UMass/AMHERST, do we really want to relax water protocols now in favor of athletics?"

    It is possible to communicate with people directly. Just send it to him. And be sure to notice the time stamp on the reply he sends you. It will be somewhere between 4am and 6am.

  5. Larry with no opinion? NOW THAT'S FUNNY!

  6. Well, that was sarcasm.

    But of course I still have not found a special sarcasm font.

  7. What great sacrilege - wasting water for sports - and endless sinkhole - like the regional schools financials- truck in treated effluent - maybe that $309 k Maria embezzled would have been " greener pastures " for the schools - think about that ??!!!

  8. Personally, I'm hoping there is some way that they can all lose.

    5-3-03, the Town of Amherst deserves to burn in Hell.

    Or at least be very thirsty.

  9. Time to install turf fields, for just this eventuality. The fields were bad to start with. This drought only makes them worse.

  10. Ed, the Town of Amherst didn't do anything to you. Why are you staying up all night cooking up revenge fantasies? Every time you state one of them, you are demonstrating your mental instability.

  11. get the clean water that's discharged down at the treatment plant

  12. Has anyone noticed that the fields were in crummy shape before the drought? It's not like they were seeded and watered well before the ban.

  13. My sense is that senseless gladiators can play in the dirt and mud. The grass is going to die back in a few weeks anyway. You can also buy water from other sources by the truck if you want it, not that costly, esp at low evap rates of fall.

  14. Ed, the Town of Amherst didn't do anything to you.
    On & after May 3, 2003, it very much did.

    Why are you staying up all night
    Who says I was/am?
    (Notwithstanding the underlying logical fallacies involved in the allegation.)

    cooking up revenge fantasies?

    Schadenfreude is not a revenge fantasy.

  15. Why are you so paranoid about "our Eddie"?

    Has it occurred to you what that says about you?

  16. It says I love you Edward!

  17. People like to grouse and grumble about school administrators, but here you have one asking for your recommendations on this issue. I wonder how many people have taken him up on it. Some folks would rather complain on a blog than participate in solving a problem.

  18. Said the woman who just complained on a blog.

  19. I'm not complaining. I'm urging people to communicate in a way that might actually be effective. You're just too embarrassed to write to Mark directly.

  20. Nina, what if we don't like either option?

  21. Are UMasss and Amherst and Hampshire Colleges watering their athletic fields?

  22. Yeah Larry, why not ask UMass why they are watering the practice fields down at McGuirk? Because I just walked by at 2:30 and there was a ridiculous amount of water being sprayed on the practice field from two difference directions.
