Saturday, June 11, 2016

Pot Profits

Pot row on University Drive

Former Auction Barn in North Amherst another possible pot dispensary

If all four proposed Medical Marijuana facilities blossom in Amherst the "host community agreements" could result in $250,000 in annual payments to the town coffers.

Enough to hire additional Public Safety personnel that are badly needed now, even without any problems the facilities could bring.

But based on Northampton's experience to date, problems should not be an issue.

So far three of the proposed projects have garnered Select Board approval although the 4th has yet to appear on the agenda.  And that is the one that could have a negative impact on iconic sports bar Rafters.

Rafters Restaurant & Sports Bar 422 Amity Street

Our Select Board is weighing its options as to whether they can deny a Letter of Support simply based on number of facilities (three) already approved.

If so the new owner of Rafters property may have a long wait for a return on his $2 million investment.


  1. Seems to me that town could loose major lawsuit on the we have three

    1. Can we please drop the pretense of marijuana as medine. Sure, for some it is. But how many people do you know who get it from one of these growers for $300-$350 an ounce. Is there anyone out there who isn't either selling or buying the stuff?

  2. There is no new owner. They have signed an offer to buy the property. They haven't bought it. They're not idiots, they are business people.

  3. Everyone is lining up in anticipation of the legalization of recreational use. People are jockeying to get as close to campus as possible. They don't really plan to be medicinal dispensaries. They will only pull the trigger and purchase the lsnd if the referendum passes.

    1. Anyone who's ever cleaned a pot pipe has got to know how filthy the gunk is that you're sucking into your lungs. Oh, I know, I know-- you don't HAVE to smoke it, but surely you'll agree: most do smoke it as the main system of delivery. And they squawk about e-cigs.

  4. One question: Why does anyone think legalization would be even relevant to UMass?

    Why wouldn't the UMass smoking ban also apply to Marijuana?
    Tobacco already is legal -- and that is banned on all UM property, indoors & out, so why wouldn't the ban apply to pot? Or be quickly amended to include it.

    Don't think there wouldn't be numerous union grievances if UM let employees smoke pot but not tobacco, and how would anyone ever prove what is in the hand-rolled "joint."

    And as to edibles, after AFD hauls the first couple dozen students across the river, some of whom will honestly not have known what was in what they were eating/drinking, what do you think will happen next....

    Above and beyond this the UM Conduct Code prohibits possession and/or use of marijuana and legalizing it won't change this. UM bans lots of legal things, candles come to mind. And with Baker as Governor, this isn't getting changed.

    Besides, I don't think the referendum will pass -- not with the charter school cap question on the same ballot and with those on both sides of that being largely opposed to pot.

  5. The N'ton parking lot reminds me of a drive in theater. Does it close for lunch- or are there appointments times that folks are waiting for?
    Everyone is just hanging out!

    The biggest issue is trash left in the lot and at neighboring businesses- including the high mil weight plastic pot bags (in a city where there is a ban on the use of plastic bags)

  6. Anon 6:36, you don't think rules apply to potheads, do you????

  7. That's an Agreement for Purchase and Sale, it's not a sale. We'll see if it actually sells.
