Saturday, June 11, 2016

Pay The Piper

Mill River Recreation 4/17/16

The town has finally gotten around to sending the "Smith Family" a $449.41 itemized bill for damages out at the Mill River Recreation area two months ago. 

The party attracted hundreds of (mostly minority, which some people thought impacted police response) college aged youth and received numerous complaints from neighbors throughout the day for noise, parking and vandalism.

 Click to enlarge/read

It will be interesting to see if "Mr. Smith" pays up.


  1. Because you can't call it a "party" until people start ripping doors off their hinges...

  2. I don't see a mailing address filled out. Good luck.

  3. It looks like there was an address, but Larry redacted it on the application. The original address appears on the bill that is linked. Bigger issue... The address is to an apartment building, but no unit number is listed! Doubtful the town is going to get paid back :(
