Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What's In A Name?

Mill River Recreation area 4/17/16

Well the pavilion rental form filled out by "Corey Smith" is not overly helpful identifying the large group of college aged youth responsible for the Mill River Recreation area debacle last week, where North Amherst neighbors continuously complained about blaring music, overflow parking, public alcohol consumption and a major mess left behind.

 Click to enlarge/read

Leisure Services & Supplemental Education Commission will be reviewing their pavilion rental program at a meeting tonight.

Requiring a damage deposit would be helpful. 


  1. how about an address as well (and ask for ID)?

  2. Hello!!!! They've been staging huge group parties with loud music and lots of alcohol for quite a while. I tried to go there with my granddaughter twice last summer but all the parking was taken, including on the grass. These were huge parties that left trash everywhere.

  3. Yes, but this time, the town crier did not like the looks of this family. This time they need to pay!! Of course y'all know why...

  4. Can someone educate me on what the Smith Family Reunion is?

  5. UMass Black Alumni Reunion afterparty

    1. I went to the White Alumni Reunion. It was a blast!

  6. Why didn't the police do anything about them consuming alcohol there?

  7. Sounds like there was no policy in place when renting the property for these
    functions. At the very least a deposit should have been paid to cover the cost of the clean up.

    Would have never happened if we had a mayor.

  8. ^duh....really? 5/6 white cops (isn't that all they got on duty? LK you know the answer to that?) roll into a large UMass black alumni party and start cracking down on...booze?!? Bwuhahaha!! You going to support the cops when it all goes wrong and it's front page news across the nation? Or will you join hands with you pals sporting a black lives matter/hands up don't shoot/can't breathe t shirt while marching down Main Street? I'm guessing the latter. They moved in for more reasons than that when blarney hit & were crucified. Nationally crucified for doing their job. You bitch when they use caution and prudence and condemn when they take the necessary steps. They let this go, wise decision.

    Again you are missing the real issue; the issuance of a permit based on false pretenses. The town/lsse got duped (again). Dunce hat time you fools. They will still issue it next year for the "Jones" family reunion. Can't wait!

  9. Dude, I wasn't bitching about anything. I just asked a question.

  10. Two observations -- (1) it says "no alcohol"and (2) there wasn't a phone number given.

    Anon 9:36 is right -- but where the hell was the town-gown guy? Cops should have called him and asked him to call various (Black) UM Admin and had THEM deal with this. Enku Gelaye comes to mind -- Alumni Affairs used to report to her and likely still does. Many of the individuals involved are UM students --- this is something she should have been dealing with from the first 911 call.

    AND when the head of EO&D is involved in the Black Reunion itself, when she is the one to whom all the complaints about "racist" cops would be directed (particularly since UMPD mutual aid would have been needed), perhaps she could have been proactive?

    But no, this was about power -- we can do this and you can't.
    You can't touch us. Rules don't apply to us...

  11. Forget the deposit and require APD approval of all reservations, just like with a beer keg permit. An event like this ought to have had a detail officer (and likely would have were it on campus.

  12. Larry, appeal the redaction.

    As the form wasn't even signed, it is likely that the note on the bottom says something like "per _____" or why no signature was required.

    That redacted sentence likely is more relevant than anything else on that piece of paper.

    The more I think about this, Enku Gelaye & Débora Ferreira -- as well as the Chancellor himself -- ought to be asked to answer for this incident.

  13. And Larry, a damage deposit would exclude the very people for whom this is intended, families with small children, church groups and the like. Far better to have cops sign off -- and I can think of one thing worse than what did happen, a child molester having a kiddie event.

    Some man from out-of-town (e.g. Lynn) doing something to attract children and then doing any of the things these predators do. APD isn't going to know every alias of every sex offender, but they are gonna do a lot better at screening than LSSE ever could....

  14. Whoever accepted that form at LSSE is responsible for this incident!
    No contact information was collected what so ever!

    Earlier information mentioned that "he" was from Lynn-
    All the more reason to complete the entire form (not a town resident)

  15. Anon 4:27 -- what was redacted? (I.e. is under those black lines on the bottom?)

    How did the Town Manager know he was from Lynn?

    And to collect no contact info is irresponsible -- what if LSSE had to cancel the event because, say. a sewer line collapsed and flooded the area with raw sewerage?
    "Bleep happens" -- and you do want to be able to tell folks...

  16. The ever obsessive Mr. Ed

  17. That's Brother Smith to you fake doctor Ed.

  18. It's DR. Ed, folks, I actually earned mine.

    And Enku doesn't have one...

  19. Anonymous 4:27 here-
    My info about Lynn is from an article in the Gazette on 4/23.
    Not sure how our town manager knew it.

    All of my info is from the Gazette and this blog- I have no idea what is crossed out!

    1. And no ones gives a tinker's damn about an all black reunion. If i were to hold an all-white reunion you're okay with that? Invitations going out next week.

  20. Better yet, ask LSSE for a reservation for an "all White" event and see what happens.....
