Thursday, April 28, 2016

Coming Full Circle

Paul Bockelman Mass Municipal Association Director of Finance

For Paul Bockelman winning the position of Amherst Town Manager would be something of a coming home, having spent four formative years here in the free wheeling 1970s as a student at Hampshire College.

But our downtown was a lot different back then.  Faces of Earth shortened their name to Faces and moved to Northampton, our hardware and grocery stores are long gone and book & music stores are no longer as ubiquitous as spring dandelions.

There's no doubt, however, his MMA background provides the financial and business savvy to be a strong ally of the downtown revitalization movement.

Although wading into the rough and tumble Amherst town politics, a little Mixed Martial Arts training probably wouldn't hurt.

And his experience as a long time School Committee member would come in handy dealing with our Elementary and Regional School budgets that consume the lion's share of town spending every year.

All in all a pretty complete package.

When asked about diversity Bockelman replied, "Think about who is not in the room."

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