Saturday, March 19, 2016

Town Center Refresh

Amity Street parking lot is busiest in town

The heart of downtown will benefit by a comprehensive infrastructure improvement with the repaving of Amity Street, the complete overhaul of the popular town parking lot adjacent to Amherst Cinema and a new raised crosswalk in front of the Jones Library.

The DPW project will be done over the summer when our little college town slows down somewhat so as not to cause too much disruption to local small businesses and the site plan was approved by the Planning Board and Design Review Committee.

 Click to enlarge
 Center walkway will line up with crosswalk to Jones Library

The lot, because of more efficient design, will increase from 33 to 35 spaces with three of them handicapped accessible (up from only two now).


  1. Once again Vincie and the Fox Hound's cronies are high jacking Amherst tax payers. Amherst for All will bring em out into the open from their shady finger pointing and miss information.

  2. Vince needs to gooooooooooo. He and Ed should rent an apartment together and rename themselves Felix and Oscar.

  3. Admit it - you have "Vince envy"!
