Friday, March 18, 2016

Medical Marijuana Trifecta?

Auction Barn in North Amherst possible home to medical marijuana dispensary

The Select Board on Monday night will be asked yet again for a "letter of support or non opposition" to a medical marijuana dispensary located at 169 Meadow Street in deep North Amherst, almost to the Sunderland line.

Although ever optimistic attorney Tom Reidy succinctly requests a Letter of Support, which the Select Board has opted to do for the previous two petitioners.  

The building is the former home of Kimball's Auction Barn who recently moved to Rt 9 Hadley after the 47 acre property was sold by W.D. Cowls to farmer Joe Czajikowski earlier this month.

Since there is not a state regulation concerning the number of dispensaries in a city or town theoretically all three could get state approval, although highly unlikely.

But who knows, if the ballot question legalizing recreational pot gets approved this coming November, we could probably provide more than enough business for three dispensaries.


  1. Recreational pot at age 18 (17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12...) but a criminal offense to have a beer at age 20? Even if you are a veteran, a combat veteran?

    And they want to do the same thing with cigarettes?

    Hence "smoke pot not tobacco"?!?

    What is wrong with this?

    And Larry, a stoned driver is a dangerous driver.

    Remember the stoned railroad engineer who (essentially) ran a red light and put three locomotives out on an active track & in the path of an oncoming Amtrac train? This was back in the 1990s, I forget how many he killed -- it's what led to random drug/ETOH testing of safety-sensitive jobs.

    1. I drive stoned all the time. And it does impair me. But not as badly as it impairs all these drivers i see texting and reading and watching porn vids or other as they drive.

  2. Right next to the most dangerous intersection in town? Maybe not the best idea!

  3. Unfortunately, Ed is too young to remember the problems we had when the drinking age in Massachusetts was 18. They raised it for a reason. They didn't have a beer. They had multiple beers, shots, etc.

  4. There have traditionally been more than three pot dispensers in Amherst...I can think of 5 in business today. The only difference is that the current dispensaries are not licensed and have great quality vs. what will come.

    But be clear, pot is here and has been. This is just the process of public employees getting their pay off to maintain black market prices so the taxes and fees stay high.

    Dr. Ed, you don't have to worry about kids that look to the government for direction, they wont make it long anyway, wasted effort.

  5. And why haven't they been busted?

  6. Pot dealers aka dispensers are not automatically busted. Especially today when most police know better than to waste time, face lawsuits etc. In fact, most in history have not been caught, only a couple here and there, but most know this from experience, most posting have sold a little weed in their day. Traditionally, over the last decade, as pot is legalized and dispensaries open up, there is a second wave of busts as dispensaries attain regulatory capture and press the towns and states to crack down on their competition, the local producer or small guy. Just basic American Business working under a hyper regulated special interest government. It's a formula, it is now our formula.

  7. Yes, have a bunch of laughing idiots piloting 2-3 ton vehicles in your direction.

  8. Old man, you better smoke the ganga to chill out. You are an uptight old goat. WYB

  9. Yeah, it has been a while (30 years).

  10. History repeats itself. Much as drunk driving really didn't become an issue until the drinking age was lowered to 18, maybe it will take legalized pot to convince people that stoned drivers are an issue worth dealing with.

    And put people in jail for smoking pot, which we aren't doing now.

  11. Being a stoned driver isn't legal now nor will it be in the future.

  12. Usdot did studies and could not tell a stoned driver from a straight one. People who drink were obvious, women on average tested like drunk drivers when compared to stoned men. People who had office jobs tested like dronk drivers vs. those that do physical work. There are all kinds of groups who drive like drunks, stoned men are not one of them, many other people in town belong to worse driving "groups". And then there are the endless sreems of actual dumb people, those less than average, exactly half of us, they suck at driving too.

    But screw science, we have religion. No evidence needed.

    1. If you smoke and drive as we all seem to do, you are lying to yourself if you say it doesn't affect you. The issue really is, if you're stoned, you simply don't Care that you're F***ed up.

  13. Drunk drivers or "stoned" drivers should not be "put in jail". They should be arrested that night for sure...then fine them, educate them, make 'em walk for a week or two (suspend that license) and set them free. It is when the behavior is repeated that increased fines and maybe a little jail time wouldn't hurt. Humans make mistakes. As long as the cops grab em and they don't hurt anyone...then a little financial reconditioning is fine.

    Hurt/kill someone while driving "impaired" by any substance (or watching porn vids)and the gloves come off.

  14. How did this thread go from the permitting process for a medical marijuana dispensary with a side note about full legalization to a discussion. Of the pros and cons (as if there were any pros) of driving while impaired by canibis. Medical marijuana dispensaries will contribute to impaired driving about as much a pharmacies do. The whole idea is a red herring. We are talking about medicine people. As much as...if not more so than anything being sold by GlaxoSmithKline or Phiser.
