Tuesday, March 29, 2016

DUI Dishonor Roll

In 2014 three times as many males were arrested for drunk driving as females

No matter who wins the all important election today, I hope everyone will celebrate responsibly.  Or drown out their sorrows responsibly as the case may be.

 Charles Allard, age 20, stands before Judge Thomas Estes 

Having APD come knocking on your driver side wide window with their flashing blue lights reflecting in your rear view mirror, is no way to end the evening.

Like these two college aged youth, who overdid it over the weekend and made the major mistake of getting behind the wheel of a car.

Both college aged youth had their cases continued until 4/14 so they could hire their own attorney.

But since both took the legally admissible breath test they should save their money and take the standard state offered 24D disposition (Continued Without A Finding):  loss of license for 45 days, one year probation and completion of alcohol driver course.

Cost of a standard 24D disposition

Jason Moriarty, age 22, stands before Judge Thomas Estes
Click to enlarge/read


  1. I wish someone would teach the APD how to write.

    If he was dispatched in response to a UMPD-reported accident, then he couldn't possibly have observed the accident occur. All he can state that HE saw was the vehicle in the middle of the rotary, where it shouldn't be -- and that's definitely probable cause and all he needs to state. Particularly with a 1.9 BAC, that'd have been OUI in the 1970's...

    If he has a witness saying excessive speed, then it's "witness stated excessive speed", if the perp said where he was trying to go, then you write it that way, etc. Unless the officer wishes to convince defense counsel that he is clairvoyant, he should only state those facts he knew.

    And I think the cop is giving this perp too much credit - with a 1.9BAC, he wouldn't have had to be going fast to lose control of the vehicle, assuming that he even noticed that the rotary was there....

    1. You want the police to write better? They don't have enough to do fending off BLM calling for their dwaths? They should worry about grammar?

  2. Ed, you are an expert at everyone else's job. Too bad you don't have one.

  3. Oh, and yes, I AM an expert in ELA, I have a license saying so...

  4. KILLER on the road-Sweet memory will die-all those Al Anon apologist-must be nice-they just kill others..just say'n..go figure.???

  5. Larry,
    Why do you let Dr. Ed constantly continue with his Homophobic slurs against other commenters on your blog? Do you condone the use of the (N) word also? I wish you would have him refrain and perhaps try and influence people with his so-called intelligence instead of his extreme Homophobia...

    1. There is this matter of free speech.

  6. My bad, 1.9% would likely be fatal, I do know that.

    (In fact, in a macabre sort of way, I wonder if it would even be possible for one to ingest enough ETOH to reach that level, or would one have died first.)
