Tuesday, March 29, 2016

And So It Begins

Crocker Farm Elementary School:  Precinct 7

So far (9:30 AM) voter turn out is pretty light.

Already reports of campaign signs too close to the voting booths (must be 150 feet away) but they were gone when I just drove by.

Eleven years ago the Town Clerk had to call police because she felt threatened after ordering a pro Town Meeting sign removed that was hanging from a private residence at Ann Whalen Apartments, but was too close to the voting booth.

 Turnout still light at Bangs Center as of high noon (Precincts 4,5, and 10)
So let's hope we get at least 2,000 voters to break double digit turnout
UPDATE: 7:00 PM Sounds like voting picked up and a few precincts have now hit double digit turnout.


  1. I was surprised to see Vira acting as what appeared to be an official election observer at the Crocker Farm voting site. I'm not up on election law -- is that considered an appropriate role for her to play, given that School Committee is on the ballot (and that she's publicly endorsed one of the SC candidates)?

  2. Free country.

    And the polling place is in the public arena, so she's free to do so as long as she does not try to influence any voters.

  3. I hope Vira goes down in flames at some point. She's truly vile. In it for herself. Loves being a large fish in a small pond.

  4. Poll checking is an ancient & accepted tactic.

  5. Larry, election observers are supposed to be partisan -- each side gets one.

    And it isn't like the SC is the biggest issue on today's ballot -- or is it?

    What is it that Team Maria is so afraid of?

  6. Will not do very well in Amherst.

    (Amherst voted for Jesse Jackson over Mike Dukakis in 1988.)

  7. "What is it that Team Maria is so afraid of?"

    Certainly not you, Ed. Since you can't vote since you don't even live here.

  8. No one voting at noon today at Munson library.....

  9. I was the only one voting at Wildwood around 10AM. Saw an older couple approaching as I left. I hope the after work crowd shows up in droves to vote YES for the Charter Commission. Otherwise based on current anecdotal information the real story is going to be about voter apathy.

  10. Eight people voting this morning when I went to the Munson. I actually had to wait in line.

  11. Why is Team Maria so afraid of Vince?

    My guess is that they know that a loose cannon well might upset the applecart, that the well-polished behind-the-scenes operation couldn't withstand the light of day.

    And they won't be able to hold his children hostage.

    One way to fight a forest fire is to light "backfires" -- to light small fires that will be sucked toward the big fire, leaving it no unburnt ground to expand onto. I can see Vince being the "backfire" that reigns in Team Maria. If she actually had to defend anything, her whole house of cards would tumble.

    Bullet-vote for Vince -- for change.

  12. I was second to vote at Bangs precinct 4 at 7am. Only around 6 people there. Thought it would be busy at opening time with people headed to work, but no.

  13. Remember, town meeting supporters are mostly retired. All of the Yes voters are still at work.

  14. I'm worried it's over. I'm worried the fat lady is almost done singing :( Larry, you have more confidence than I do.

  15. It would have been better to have this vote immediately following the (still to come) record-setting, death-defying unbelievable twenty-three-night Town Meeting. Then we probably could get 2/3 of TM to vote YES out of pure exhaustion!

  16. "Why is Team Maria so afraid of Vince?"

    No one said she is but you, Ed. There are no facts that support that assertion. You are living in an echo chamber answering questions that only you asked.

  17. There seems to be no small effort to rebut what is said inside the echo chamber...

  18. I think the echo chamber is eds bathroom...

  19. And Larry, Team Maria really is playing on a national stage.

    See: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/433413/the-vagina-monologues-eve-ensler-uninclusive-white-lady

  20. "poll checking is an ancient and accepted tactic"

    "tactic" implies a plan carried out with skill and strategy and a specific end goal, what she did was an antic.

  21. The list and counts of inactive voters includes college kids or others who no longer live in Amherst. They are not removed from the voter rolls for 3 years unless then register to vote somewhere else in MA.

    When I bought my house the former owners were listed as inactive voters at my address for a number of years before they were dropped... even after I told the Town Clerk that they didn't live there anymore.
