Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Cost Of Art

 Should $65 million Wildwood Building Project divert $650,000 for art?

If the Amherst Arts Commission gets their way the two new building projects currently in the pipeline would be tapped 1% of their budget with that money redirected for public art.

We already know the cost of the new school -- $65 million -- so that comes to $650,000, and the Jones Library expansion renovation could easily be another $35 million total for another $350,000 to the fledgling art fund, or a cool million for both projects.

 What else could Jones Library buy with $350,000?

Of course you have to wonder what the state, who is reimbursing about half the cost for both projects, is going to think about 1% of their money being used for "art." 

The Select Board will decided Monday night whether to sponsor the 1% for art warrant article and it only requires a simple majority vote.

But anyone can get anything on the warrant with just ten signatures, so even if the Select Board refuses to endorse it safe bet it will still make the warrant for upcoming Town Meeting.


  1. Hi Larry
    Please read the proposal.
    Only the portion funded by Amherst will be subject to 1%. The state part is not included.
    And only the construction cost is subject to 1%--soft costs (architects fees, etc.) are excluded

  2. I did read and link to the proposed Town Meeting warrant article (version 5.0) and it's really not all that clear.

  3. Under "Section 3 -- Funding" it clearly states "The estimates shall include all construction costs, architectural and engineering fees and sitework expenses."

    That sure sounds like architects fees are NOT excluded.

  4. My bad.

    But it does not include the state's contribution

  5. This really a stealth way to tax us for public art.

    1. And we wonder why there's a Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party.

  6. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to leave Amherst. Playing with our money as if it is a toy. If only town meeting was a fiscally responsible body, it would reject this ridiculous idea.

  7. Without ART, Amherst is just a mhes.

  8. 12:19, what is mhes?
