Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Dorms

 Olympia Place: opening this summer

Looks like the four new Amherst College Greenway Dorms holding 300 students and Olympia Place,  first ever private dorm complex near UMass housing 236 students, are both on schedule to open this fall.

Greenway Dorms:  opening this fall

Amherst College has always housed 100% of their students so these new replacement dorms have no impact on the housing crises in town, but the Olympia Place addition of 236 beds do represent an increase in badly needed supply.

And even better, since the dorm complex is privately owned, Olympia Place is on the tax rolls.

By helping to satisfy the high demand for student housing that will also take some of the pressure off single family homes in quiet neighborhoods from being converted into student housing.

Since both these dorm complexes are brand new, chances are those lucky enough to live there will take pride in maintaining them.

After all, even if it's only for four years: there's still  no place like home


  1. New tax dollars, over many, many years, to pay for a new fire station. Or would you rather have an override?

  2. I guess the sky's not falling after all.

  3. Excellent! Now we need 10 more buildings this size to accomodate the calculated real demand and finally bring rental prices down. Build baby build

  4. Agreed, build up this Podunk town. It has been stuck in the 70's because of the locals narrow minds.

  5. Isn't that the site of the old Sig Ep Frat? How many beds did that have -- this may not be that many more...

  6. Definitely build 10 more buidlings this size--at UMAss. The more students they house, the better campus life and the better town life. UMass needs to step up.

  7. WHERE, Anon 8:06 -- all the empty land at UMass is wetlands or needed for open space.
