Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Thowing In the Towel?

Time is running out for Amherst College owned Little Red Schoolhouse

Carol Gray crashed the Community Preservation Act Committee meeting last night to file a (late) request for $10,000 concerning her ultimate windmill, the Little Red Schoolhouse. 

At least this seems to indicate she has given up on the enormously expensive idea of saving the building.

Only a small percentage of the $10K would go towards photographing for posterity the interior and exterior of the 79-year-old building.  The majority of the funding  would "document the human side" of the preschool business that operated within its tiny walls.

Of course Ms. Gray herself would be an interview subject since she's an overly proud parent of a Little Red Schoolhouse graduate. 

And if Herman Melville was still around, he could interview her for the writing of "Moby Dick Returns."

Carol Gray (2nd from rt) at 11/22/15 meeting trying to get Historical Commission to become Little Red cheerleaders


  1. As an alumni with my sister, my late dad a trustee, of "Little Red " I truly cherish this most magical of places, we brought little wunderkinden to our hilltown Rumbling Bumbling Rill sugar house every year to sugar off. This is a sad day, indeed !!!

  2. This place would make a perfect Friendly's and think how cute Carolyn would be in a little paper Friendly's hat wearing the drive-thru. Us the $10k towards a franchise.

  3. a request of $10,000 for such a frivolous idea is obscene. Carol is cracked.

  4. Anywhere there are children and excellent adults is a most magical place. It's the attitude that says "My life experiences trump yours" that surrounding towns and many Amherst taxpayers find distasteful. And then the kooky names we give our kids doesn't help on top of that.

  5. Too bad Little Red wasn't a tree.

  6. Is Gray actually allowed to wander around freely? This woman is "Touched in the head."

  7. First she should prove that there are no photos that don't exist in the Amherst College archives, Jones Library, Gazette, etc. I bet this has already been documented six ways to Sunday.

  8. if she thinks it is so dear to those who experienced (not very many), then she should form a fund drive to tap into that. No way should Amherst tax payers fund a single cent.
