Thursday, January 7, 2016

Jones Library Architects Chosen

Jones Library, Amherst's living room

The Jones Library Board of Trustees voted unanimously this morning to hire Finegold Alexander Architects for the "planning and design phase" of the renovation expansion that could see the town center icon double in size.

 Jones Library Trustees voted unanimously to hire Finegold Alexander Architects

The firm impressed the subcommittee charged with coming up with a recommendation out of the five firms who applied for the job because they have great experience with historical preservation, including the Holyoke Public Library and currently the UMass Old Chapel.

The Boston based firm also has strong local contacts, including as their consultants Amherst architect John Kuhn and landscape architect Peter Wells.

Finegold Alexander are the architects for renovation of UMass iconic Old Chapel

The Jones Library e-x-p-a-n-s-i-o-n, which could cost as high as $40 million, comes at a time when the town is also considering three other major building projects: A new South Fire Station and Department of Public Works building, and a new elementary school.

Only the school and library projects are covered by state grants, roughly half the total costs.

The Jones Library already received a $50,000 grant to cover design/planning from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and Amherst Town Meeting appropriated $25,000 in matching funds.

The cost of this contract is for up to $50,000.


  1. Gimme a break. Here's an idea, why don't they use their existing space more efficiently. They've got a lot of dead space in the entrance, and the magazines atrium could be used a lot better, which is just two places to start. Our taxes are high enough already, and we need a fire station a lot more.

  2. I still don't get it? Was there a community survey that indicates that the community wants an expansion? Or is this just driven by the trustees? I use the library all the time, never see it too busy and never got a survey....and don't see a need for expansion (and huge associatated costs)

  3. I haven't heard the library make a compelling case for expansion yet, either.

  4. Me either. Spendthrifts like the rest of the town government, aided and abetted by Town Meeting.
