Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How NOT To Treat First Responders

Alyssa Conkonis stands quietly before Judge John Payne

UMass police may only have had 4 out of the 32 arrests over Halloween weekend but this one wins the prize for most outrageous. 

All you party hardy types may want to repeat a mantra in your head before letting loose on a party night for when you see those red or blue lights flashing: "They're here to help me, they're here to help me."

And keep in mind they have probably been dealing with crap no normal employee would ever tolerate in their workplace. So cut them some slack will ya?

Don't fight, bite or -- most especially -- spit!

 Click to enlarge/read
Ms. Conkonis was released on her own recognizance, her $500 bail was returned (although $150 will be taken out for her court appointed attorney). She returns to Eastern Hampshire District Court on December 3.


  1. She'll make a fine wife the first time and the third time. Just a great woman to be around.

  2. She might find getting a date a little more difficult, giving her stated medical condition.

  3. http://wpri.com/2015/09/24/young-woman-arrested-after-drunken-driving-crash/

  4. So Alyssa Cokonis has a DUI and sent someone to the hospital in her crash (according the article above) and has now injured a police officer, while spitting in the EMT's face? Stay classy Alyssa Cokonis. Hope UMass does the right thing and gets this unguided missile of bad choices out of school and Amherst!

  5. The reason we say mantras is we are trying to convince our self of something that is hard to believe.

    That being said, it was an EMT, not a cop. Calling these two both first responders does not respect the difference. EMT's rarely abuse their power and beat on people, cops are known to do this and have been recorded doing so quite often.

    It is easier to respect EMT's as a group when most are there to help you vs. cops where the group is split and you never know what you are going to get when you see those flashing lights. This is why a significant portion of the public does not think "they are there to help me" they think, "I hope I get to go home after this interaction with a cop." or "I hope this guy is in a good mood so I get treated fairly and can still walk when we are done" or "I wish I was not black" etc.

    1. Another cop hating lefty. Racist too. What a surprise. The President is cut from the same cloth. Such a great example.

    2. Pigs are a species, not a race.

  6. In that case, when the chips are down, and it's a life or death matter don't call APD.

    Call one of your liberal friends.
