Wednesday, November 4, 2015

DUI Dishonor Roll

Brittani N. Allen, age 24, stands before Judge John Payne

About the only good news concerning the 28 APD arrests over the Halloween weekend is only one of them was for (allegedly) drunk driving.

Of course the other way of looking at it is APD was so busy dealing with party houses, fights, and zombie herds of college aged youth traipsing about the neighborhoods adjoining UMass, that they really did not have the time to watch for drunk drivers.

In a packed Eastern Hampshire District Court Ms. Allen had a plea of "not guilty" entered in her behalf and her case was continued until next month.

1 comment:

  1. Was there "Power To The Drive Train" (or what remained of it)? That is the standard in the State of Maine, which is a lot tougher on this than MA is.

    If she was mostly off the road and had the vehicle in park and was showing some lights to rear -- well isn't this better than her continuing onward and possibly killing people? Law sets practice and we both know that if she hadn't stopped, she likely wouldn't have been arrested unless she had an accident. That would have been better?!?
