Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Don't Feed The Trolls

Page seems to have been active only since November 22. Already removed UMass logo

A raging fire requires two things:  fuel and a source of ignition.  In other words if you enter a dark building and smell the strong stench of gasoline, don't use your cigarette lighter to illuminate the immediate area.

Anyone who has spent more than a day on the Internet should realize the new "UMass Amherst Area White Students Union" is a parody account.  And their sole reason for being is to incite a response -- especially a negative one.

So the rules of engagement are pretty simple:  ignore them.  Unlike this morning's Daily Hampshire Gazette which splashed them across the front page, above the fold no less.  Suckers.

Dog bites man story:   Internet trolls are a pain in the ass 

Terrorists unleash the most horrendous public act possible in order to attract media attention.  And I don't agree that names of mass murderers should be withheld in order not to give them the notoriety they seek.  Usually, before the presses run, they are already dead.

Because they are a billion dollar corporation who, like all mega corporations, is averse to negative publicity, chances are Facebook will pull the account.  

And since they are not the government they can ban whatever content they wish without regards to the First Amendment.

Just as Smith College or Amherst College, as private entities, can ban reporters from covering an event on their campus even if it is blatantly newsworthy.  It's just kind of stupid to do so.

But again, if you've spent more than a day on the Internet, you know all about stupid.


  1. The First Amendment doesn't apply to Facebook, but Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 arguably does.

    Section 502(b)(3)..."any motion picture house, theater, concert hall, sports arena, stadium or other place of exhibition or entertainment" (emphasis added) And it definitely meets the "Interstate Commerce" criteria as a whole bunch of state lines are being crossed, Facebook is out of Menlo Park, California.

    Hence, unless Facebook were to revoke the page of every other racially specific student group, they will have violated Title II by discriminating on the basis of "race or color."

    That's what the Baake decision was all about...

  2. The larger question Larry is that of racial segregation, particularly to those of us who have a "thou shalt not" attitude toward it.

    Over half of the UMass Student Activities Trust Fund (SATF) goes to groups with a specific racial or ethnic identity in the group's NAME! We won't even get into the washer/dryer money...)

    This is establishing a precedent of segregation, folks really ought not be surprised when the "me too" versions of it start popping up. And when the culture of academia becomes as segregated as it now has, what exactly is illogical about expecting those who don't have an organization to create one?

    Isn't it kinda like how the Catholics, denied membership the Masons, formed the Knights of Columbus?

  3. I'll go further.

    While I consider Rap "music" disquietingly similar to an engine about to throw a piston rod (*through* the side of the engine block), some people actually enjoy listening to it.

    One such (White) freshman discovered the UMass "Malcolm X Center" in Southwest and went inside. He was quickly told "Get out of here, White Boy, or we'll f*****g knife you!" I can't remember if a knife was openly displayed or not, but he had no doubt that the group of (Black) men confronting him both had the ability and would carry out the threat if he did not flee.

    This was considered acceptable by UMass --- neither the police nor anyone else did anything...

  4. Whites have the right to assemble. Just like any other group.

  5. Once they feed them, you provide desert. Kinda ironic. Are you sure you did not set the table?


    The good part about this post, no real news to report, which makes for a good day locally.

  6. Whites have the right to assemble? They already do. It's called every country music concert everywhere.

  7. "I'll go further"

    Please don't bother, since you are only talking to yourself.

  8. Please don't bother, since you are only talking to yourself.

    And the Lord, and my conscience.

    What I didn't mention was what this incident did to this kid's political views, or where he is now (in DC). We can argue if it made him into a racist or not, but it was the end of him having non-White friends....

    There is a real cost to this crap, and I don't think that people quite realize that...

  9. "This was considered acceptable by UMass --- neither the police nor anyone else did anything...

    Because the claim is false.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  11. Don't you think likening the Facebook page to a terrorist act is a little strong, Larry? If you look at what's posted in the page, it is hardly radical nor offensive, except perhaps to some with double standards. No doubt the very same activity and expression, coming from another identity group, would be tolerated and likely financially supported by the school. Seems like much ado about nothing.

  12. Tom, please lock up your logic, this is liberal fantasy where perception has no bounds and reality has no relivance.

  13. The whole thing is a prank and shouldn't be treated like it's a real student group.

    1. Prank yes, but it Could happen. And the discussion is important.

  14. Or covered on the front page of local newspaper.

  15. Actually I didn't cover it.

    I covered the fact that the Gazette covered it (in grandiose style).

  16. Haha - I see. Still, ... Imagine if a group of students with the same skin color wanted to form a club. Would that be OK?

    1. Yes it's okay. Freedom. Liberty.

  17. Sure. (As long as they are not those damn Irish Southie kids)
