Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Pine Street Safety Signage

RRFB units on South Maple Street, Hadley bike path

Last night in their tucked away meeting at Amherst Middle School just before Town Meeting commenced the Select Board unanimously approved DPW Chief Guilford Mooring's plan for installing crosswalk protection along the middle and eastern end of Pine Street.

 1 system located at 351 Pine, another near curve into Bridge Street

This signalized safety project goes hand in hand with new sidewalks being installed the length of Pine Street from the North Pleasant intersection in North Amherst center to Bridge Street.

 DPW Chief Guilford Mooring appears before Amherst Select Board (in charge of "public way")

The installation of a solar powered Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon at the intersection of East Pleasant (which currently lacks sidewalks) and Pine was put off however, and instead the third unit was relocated further east towards the dangerous curve where Pine Street become Bridge Street (at the gateway to Cushman Village Store).

The RRFB-XL units cost between $8,000 - $10,000 per set and are billed as being 80% more effective on higher speed roadways.  

Harris Street looking towards Pine Street


  1. "dangerous curve"

    Didn't you scoff at the complaints about that intersection just a short time ago?

  2. Nope, not me.

    Must be confusing me with someone else who has the balls (or ovaries) to call them as he/she sees them.

  3. Is there going to be one of these at Pine and Harris, where you took your picture? The memo talks about the middle and eastern portions of Pine.

  4. Score one for the folks not encased in 2500 lbs of metal traveling at 35 mph

  5. We can use traffic calming all over town--and some enforcement of speed limits. Time for change, so we can all walk, run, bike and drive safely.

    Janet McGowan

  6. I'm begging you Amherst drivers--for God's sake at least do the limit!
