Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here

Town Meeting time consuming standing vote last night

So once again by majority vote (88-66) against dismissal of Article 25 Amherst Town Meeting showed their true anti-business colors:  yellow.

The Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything BANANA crowd led by Vince O'Connor and Mary Wentworth, who never met a payroll in their life, are now no longer the radical fringe of our antiquated legislative body.

 Vince O'Connor: Amherst's Dr. Strangelove

While they may not have the numbers -- as evidenced last night -- to pass a business killer zoning article, which requires a two-thirds vote, they certainly have enough to block any future pro development zoning articles, which we've already seen them do time and time again over the recent past.

Amherst is more than half owned by tax exempts (mainly Amherst College, UMass, Hampshire College and our Conservation Department) thus shifting twice the burden to the other half who do pay property taxes.

And unlike non-bastions of higher education Amherst has a decidedly unbalanced 90/10 split between residential (90%) and commercial (10%) property tax base.

So "mixed use" commercial/residential development is the perfect answer -- especially in the downtown where our anemic commercial sector is slowing starving.

Amherst:  Where even the h is silent

Anyone who has ever run a small business knows the last thing an entrepreneur needs is a local government micro-managing their operation, or macro-managing the playing field. 

Especially one where almost none of the "elected" members has ever run a business. 


  1. Fine with me...send the business to my town!

  2. The vast majority of Amherst residents haven't a clue of how broken and dysfunctional our TM is.

  3. We need a mayor!!!

  4. In Amherst the "h" is silent but is the Media and Climate Communications Specialist supposed to be as well?

  5. who is the "Media and Climate Communications Specialist"?

  6. Carol Ross.

    A part time position (60%) paid for one third by Amherst Schools, one third by Regional Schools, and one-third by town.

  7. oh ya, not heard much from her, other than they didn't get enough responses on their survey (so it has probably been a useless exercise). I was surprised (not really) the zero discussion around funding this position that has no concrete goals and, of course, no measures for success (or failure). Yet we spend much time discussing the economic development position, that would have clear goals with measurable outcomes... Heck its all about appearing to be "all about the kids (and poor folk)"

  8. Amherst will discuss small expenses and purchases forever - but anything the schools ask for is immediately approved without question! No need for them to be frugal- they know they have a blank check!

  9. oh ya, I think there was also a minimally promoted/announced poetry contest (Amherst Together?). I wonder how many poems were submitted? Never heard a thing about it later...

  10. that Amherst Together survey was terrible --- so, so long & hard to complete.

    I say this both as someone who did the survey & as someone who had designed public input surveys for my job.

    I haven't heard much about Amherst Together recently (except for an event or two). What's next for Ms. Ross & Amherst Together? Is the funding for her position long-term or just for a year or two?

  11. I believer it's expected to be long term.

    But then the Schools many try to get Amherst College to fund the position (as they did with, ugh, Calvin Terrell).

  12. The only business to be in Amherst is rental properties. Four more years and my house will join the line up as a rental, hey don't blame me I'm just monopolizing on an opportunity the town created as their business model

  13. Yes! Just what this blog needs to liven it up a bit. More Calvin!
