Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Unabashed Conservative Comes Calling

Charles Krauthammer is a, gasp, Fox News contributor

Yes, the UMass Republican Club is at it again.

The daredevils who brought Karl Rove  and John Ashcroft to our unabashedly liberal enclave -- enraging the Ivory Tower intelligentsia -- have now snagged conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer to share his Pulitzer Prize winning opinions. 

Considering UMass recently hosted Angela Davis, consider it a "fair-and-balanced" kind of karma.


  1. Krauthammer is a brilliant man. Now watch him be trashed by the so-called intelligentsia of this bastIon of liberalism. We celebrate diversity. Just not diversity of thought. Pity.

  2. I am an unabashed liberal AND I look forward to hearing Mr. Krauthammer speak. I usually don't agree with him but he is very smart and has interesting worthwhile things to say. He is very thoughtful as well. In a class way above Karl Rove.

  3. You say "unabashed conservative." Should conservatives normally be abashed?
    -an unabashed centrist-

  4. Fox News kills MSNBC in ratings. Let's see...Sharpton or Krauthammer. Axe yourself.

  5. We have devalued the word "brilliant" when we apply it to Charles Krauthammer.

    He's not an idiot, and, on 24 hour cable, that's a distinction.

    His "greatness" is due to the flatness of the ground around him.

  6. Unfortunately Amherst-think is not confined to Amherst. There are many other caves where the Moonbat roosts.

  7. Pulitzer Prize is awarded for writing, not opinions.

  8. All the same when you're a columnist (said the former columnist who never won a Pulitzer).



    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. What?

  10. You've really elevTed the conversation . Lemme guess: Liberal.

  11. Lol. Now That's brilliant. Helluva vocabulary.

  12. What is truth? Is yours the same as his?

  13. Oh and a a psychiatrist too?? Impressive.

  14. As a former Carter Administration official, Mondale speechwriter, and writer for the New Republic and Time, Mr. Krauthammer has a somewhat more complicated identity than merely "ultraconservative".

    I know that we just tend to react first and ask questions later here.

  15. Anyone right of center is deemed "ultra"conservative. Laughably.

  16. He wasn't in the Carter administration. He was just a speechwriter for Mondale. That's not a government position.

  17. According to The National Review, "in 1978, he quit medical practice, came to Washington to help planning in psychiatric research in the Carter Administration. In 1980, he served as a speechwriter to Vice President to Walter Mondale." Several other sources corroborate that.

    Sounds like he was a Carter Administration official to me. You may not like it, and he may not advertise it, but he served. And in 1981 he began writing for The New Republic.

    It's a complicated career.

  18. He's conservative in a Dr. Strangelove kind of way.

  19. I get the wheelchair humor. Very funny. Botdering on hate-speech funny. Another compassionate Person here in Amherst.

  20. I don't consider him a conservative. The REAK UMass Republican Club -- which UMass shut down -- brought real conservatives to campus. Not just moderates...

  21. Obama has pumped up the deficit by 6 trillion. I know I know, he's trying to help people. Thanks for the help

  22. You say a "gasp" Fox News contributor under Dr. Krauthammer's pic, but why the gasping? Fox News' ratings are quite high, much higher than MSNBC. Fox was ranked 2nd (2.15 million viewers) as opposed to MSNBS's 23rd place (800,000) viwers. Gasp. I guess the original gasp was to indicate that someone representing so popular a network would find any acceptance in a place where unpopular ideas hold sway .

  23. Yes something like that (if I had a sarcasm font I would have used it on "gasp").
