Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Fabulous Job

Chief Livingstone introduces Sgts Foster (left) and McLean (ctr), Lt. Knightly (rt)

While the town is parsimonious when it comes to budgeting for our Public Safety departments, I have to admit the Select Board and Town Manager are pretty good when it comes to demonstrating moral support.

 Fellow officers (and Fire Chief) showed up for support

After the awful Blarney Blowout of 2013 (which resulted in six arrests) where bottles and cans were thrown at EMTs while they were assisting an intoxicated young woman, the Select Board and Town Manager actually gave UMass an earful for not doing enough to prevent the mayhem.

And of course the next year which was an utter disaster (with 58 arrests), Amherst town officials were quick to publicly support APD after the rush to judgement about alleged inappropriate use of force.

Last night it was one of those symbolic, non controversial little things that goes a l-o-n-g way towards maintaining pride in a job well done:  Swearing in recently promoted officers Dave Foster and Rich McLean to sergeant and Dave Knightly to lieutenant.


  1. What is planned on E Pleasant St?
    Is Eastman involved?

    First and only notice are large changeable copy signs near Village Park and The Renaissance Center
    No mention on town's website.

    Living on East Pleasant- It'd be nice to have some idea of what's going on!

  2. In 2013 the Blarney Blowout had more than 6 arrests... typo maybe?
    Kudos to Amherst PD on the promotions!!

  3. 2014 was the year for mega arrests.

  4. 3 classy guys, the town has no idea how lucky they are.
