Sunday, April 26, 2015

How Sweet It Is

Treasure map of sugary delights

The "Amherst Mega Dessert Crawl" was a BIG success, attracting around 400 participants on a sunny Saturday afternoon who paid $10 for ten desserts served by downtown restaurants.

 David Mazor at starting point, Kendrick Park

The money raised benefits "Reader To Reader" a program founded by David Mazor that donates books worldwide to the underprivileged.

Restaurants also benefited by bringing in new customers for a low cost sample.

Jean-Loup McIlvain-Cellier, Amherst College, Ashley Gratton, UMass

Two student participants who just completed the ten restaurant tour and deemed it "awesome," confirmed that prior to the event they had only set foot in half of the ten restaurants.

By the looks on their faces there's a good chance they will return to many of them in the near future.

Meanwhile, on the main Town Common, the Amherst Sustainability Festival attracted an environmental crowd -- although not nearly as large as the turnout for Extravaganja last Saturday.

Amherst Town Common 1:30 PM

And just across the street further south on the common in front of Amherst College Memorial Hall, a hawk dropped in to sustain himself (or herself) via lunch.

Scratch one squirrel

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