Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hadley Hoedown

Party goers converged on foot and via taxis

Hadley police with the assistance of Amherst, UMass and State police shut down a large party of 500+ college aged youth around 3:15 PM at a North Maple Street back yard before it could grow into a Blarney Blowout. 

After one Hadley officer reported having a golf ball thrown at him police made sure they had pepper balls on hand, although none were needed to disperse the crowd.  The party host used the PA system that had been blasting music to announce loudly that the "party is over!"

State Trooper intercepts young women before they make it to party.  "Don't make me get out of this vehicle" he bellowed.

Amherst police have been on high alert all day, and a half dozen Massachusetts State PD vehicles were stationed at the entry to Hobart Lane most of the early afternoon.

When Hadley called for mutual aid both APD and MSP were quick to respond (including K9 units).


  1. Do the cops have a drone yet, Larry, or just you?

  2. ...and they probably thought going that far away would lessen the odds of getting caught or someone complaining. I'll bet the busses were quite full following this hahahahahaha. College kids...

  3. I'm not quite sure why this needed to be broken up. A bunch of kids in a field totally away from everyone. They weren't bothering any one. No way this would have turned into a Blarney Blowout. Another over reaction. The Blarney Blowout needed to be stopped because the kids were impacting others in a negative way. These kids did it right and the party was still broken up.

  4. The crowds streaming to the party caused traffic congestion (as well as when they streamed away after the break up).

    After a couple hours of partying under the warm sun, medical units would have needed to respond.

    And in 2013 that when the beer bottles and cans started flying in the direction of AFD.

  5. What is the crime? Too many college age youths gathering? Underage drinking?

    It seems that some folks crossed traffic illegally. This happens during every event locally, official or not.

    It seems that a couple of years ago some bottles got thrown, and that seems to mean something to someone today?

    I appreciate the blog, but turn this into a report vs. propaganda against students.

    Surely with 3 police departments, pepper weapons and attack can cite the crimes committed to call in such a dominating army?

    What makes this different than a 5 year olds birthday party with people crossing traffic? I accept it can be different, it was just not clear from the words chosen.

    Simply replace college aged youths with middle aged men and we would be talking about police excess. But we all know there is no such thing as excessive use of police on those in their 20s, that is why 5% (1 out of 20) of them go to jail and prison in our system.

    The funny part is the adults seem to blame the kids, in stead of themselves for raising them so poorly or more likely, not having any control over the legal system or enforcement....that locks up more people by % or absolute number than any other nation in the world....mostly for these types of antics, like just smoking some weed.

    1. If you're going to have an army, you might as will have a dominating one.

  6. The police caused the break up and any traffic afterwords by not properly managing the break up (that was their part of the party). Don't they have responsibility like that thrusted upon the students? To manage traffic related to your actions.

    I know you wont post this because I just commented, but please think about this.

    You and the police expect there to be a party and for all partygoers to adhere to traffic laws prior to arriving or the party will be shut down. Such tight management is rare even in public events. Cars literally stop on 116 for an hour to watch fireworks and no one is arrested. They are drinking beer and smoking weed in front of elementary school kids and no enforcement. Drugs, boose, kids no less, and bad traffic.

    Now once the police shut it down, where they have all people in one place prior to sending them back into traffic (unlike the students prior who came from all over), they (the police) too were not able to accomplish what you and they expected the students to accomplish with less authority and resources.

    The hypocrisy is ripe on this one. Again, there must be something you are not reporting here which can make this seem justified. Please add those facts, so the police don't look so bad. Their reputation is already quite bad, it does not need to be worse, we will end up with more harassment and crime than we already accept.

  7. Actually a golf ball was thrown at a police officer.


  8. "Actually a golf ball was thrown at a police officer."

    That's 0.2% of the group -- 1/500.

    And I'm glad you were there with the camera because you clearly demonstrate that these were kids out in the middle of nowhere, not bothering anyone -- and hence what the UMass experience is like in the new millennia.

    You've done an important public service to those high school seniors who are making their college choices for the fall -- there is nothing like this to clearly show just how much UMass Sucks...

  9. Well, who is going to pick up all the beer bottles. No one. so what happens when the guy that goes to brush hog his field and wreak a tractor tire. You ever had to change a tractor tire in the middle of a muddy field. It is not an easy or pleasant task, and who by the way should he send the bill too? For said $ 400 - $600 dollar tire.

  10. "And in 2013 that when the beer bottles and cans started flying in the direction of AFD."

    As opposed to the ones that flew in Baltimore last night?

    Arrest & prosecute the perps doing it -- yes -- but also ask both why they do it and what leads to them doing it.

    Larry, you don't throw beer bottles at people whom you think are there to help you. What made the AFD into targets --- could it be the "A" -- that relations have broken down so much that civility is gone?

    And a "golf ball" -- that's not something that the average drunken college kid even has, let alone takes to a party. Not unless he/she/it is INTENDING TO throw it at someone (e.g. police officer), and while it might have been found somewhere, there aren't any golf courses between there and campus, are there?

    Depending on how hard it was thrown -- and a high school baseball pitcher could probably thorow it quite hard -- you have a potentially lethal weapon. One which riot gear won't fully protect an officer from.

    Larry, I'm quietly saying that things are going down a very bad road.....

  11. Whose property was this on, anyway? Isn't this simply trespassing?

  12. I believe it's a rental. And it sounded like this was not the first time for that address.

  13. Ed,

    You never cease. Notice the field? People like to hit golf balls i fields. What if the guy found it? What if he happened to have it in his pocket? To say the only scenario is that he brought a golf ball there to throw it at the cops is just another asinine Ed comment.

  14. What does it matter how the golf ball came to be. The point is the person in possession of it threw it an a police officer.

  15. One commenter hit it on the head. I would not go to UMASS after reading this blog. I did back when it was called ZOO mass. We had a great time, had great educations, people threw bottles of beer at cops and they left so that we could finish our party. They used to understand that when people threw stuff at them, that they were not welcomed. This was no big deal because the parties were not illegal and we just turned the music down before the next 3 kegs arrived.

    I graduated top of my HS class and have gone on to create local businesses and jobs. Many of the folks I was partying with did the same, went on to success.

    What Larry and his backup singers, the police and rich folks in town are doing is the opposite (only bloggers and cops). There are two types of party goer students, losers and smart kids wanting to have fun like most generations before them.

    The smart kids will find this blog and the new and the stinky attitude Amherst has towards students. Many at UMASS are from Mass. Now the smart kids will look for other towns and schools, likely out of state if they were UMASS types, another state school. This increases the odds that smart Umass students will leave the state.

    Ironically, all Larry and his rich, controlling neighbors will be left with is the idiots, those that go on to become bloggers and cops. More competition for Larry and the gang in the long run.

    This is called a negative feedback loop.

    And you know someone really has a point if Larry resorts to 2nd grade (well below Umass freshman) name calling.

    In the end, Larry is asking for all students to be Nitwits, because intelligent people don't walk into traps. UMASS is a trap at this point - not what was expected for most.

    1. You make It sound as though there's something wrong with being rich. Personally, I love it. And anyway, don't we all wanna BE rich?

  16. Another Nitwit. Or perhaps the same one.

  17. "... people threw bottles of beer at cops and they left ..." Most of us here (rich or not) know the smell of bull manure. And you, Sir, are full of it.

  18. umASS sucks -- and Amherst will get the "students" it deserves -- jerks from out-of-state with more money than brains -- going to umASS because it is the only place that will take them -- and the sewer will continue to slowly overflow.

    Couldn't happen to a nicer town...

  19. Hey Larry, Just out of curiosity, are you aware for the FAA regulations that determine the allowance and usage of drones on private property? Just so you know, any usage of a drone over and/or on property that is neither public nor your own can result in criminals charges.

  20. If I see one over my property, I will be happy to shoot it down.
