Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Time, Time, Time, Is On My Side

Historic Amherst Town Hall at 6:07 this evening

A good excuse for being late just went out the window as the main town clock in the heart of downtown is now working properly, albeit a couple minutes slow.

Over a month ago during the blitzkrieg of snowstorms the clock stopped working but the panels facing north and south were quickly brought back to life.

The west facing clock looking into town center needed more work and Facilities Director Ron Bohonowicz told the Joint Capital Planning Committee last week he needed a warm day to remove the panel without fear of damaging it.

The clock speed I'm told is affected by the cold weather, as the grease is more solid and it slows down.  But as the weather warms it will speed up.   Changing the length of a pendulum adjusts for this speed change.  The clock also needs winding every Thursday.


  1. Larry, check this out:

    UMass is promoting a known member of the Communist party and someone who is responsible for supplying firearms that led to the deaths of 4 people in the 1970's. UMass would never promote someone from the extreme right to speak on campus, so why the extreme left? UMass is a taxpayer funded university and should not be promoting specific political leanings.

  2. The town of Amherst shoud change it's motto to "do as I say, not as I do"

  3. This is a very left leaning area and educators as a whole are left-leaning so very left leaning speakers are allowed and encouraged. But to it's credit some of the left-wing scorn such as Dick Cheany have spoken here too. It's just words and ideologies, no one will die, rather people will learn, and for some new realizations will be made, good and bad. Everyone should have a right to speak regardless of their beliefs. Not everyone is going to agree with everyone and that's okay. Best part is if you don't believe in in you don't have to attend.

  4. Ho Hum........ this is so yesterday.

  5. Walter, that is one of the smartest posts you have ever taken the time to write. I mean it.

  6. Left, left, left, what is this a nascar race???

  7. Please invite someone who disagrees with the status quo in town. That way there could really be something to learn. Namely, that the world does not revolve around your beliefs alone.

  8. Actually, when UMass invites people from the right, they get shouted down.
