Wednesday, March 11, 2015

And Another One Gone

Chief John Horvath (right) with APD Chief Scott LIvingstone at Davis Report unveiling

UMass Police Chief John Horvath has been approved as the new Chief of Rockport PD,  somewhat far removed from the hue and cry of college aged youth that he has had to deal with over the past 2.5 years.

John Horvath replaced Johnny Whitehead, after he left his 3 year UMass tenure as Chief to become Chief at Rice University in Houston, Texas.

Chief Horvath is a good man, as was Johnny Whitehead.

UMass administrators may want to look in a mirror and ask why good men don't last long as the top cop at UMPD.


  1. Is it pay or working conditions?

    Or the possibility that you will get hit by a jug full of water dropped from one of the Southwest Towers?

  2. The job is likely hard.

    I am not sure about the tone in the post that seems to imply that someone else should make the job easier.

    Some jobs chew through people. Most people use jobs as a stepping stone to the next one. Most employees feel they are not paid enough.

    Good to report the turnover, but I am not sure there is any more news here.

  3. Let's face it, UMASS is a resume builder. Have this position in the public sector and you can launch into better, higher paying jobs. I wouldn't expect anyone in the role to stay around long unless they weren't so talented.

  4. According to the Gazette article he is taking a PAY CUT so what does that tell you?

  5. One word: "Politics"

  6. Charlie Baker is not Deval Patrick.

  7. "he is taking a PAY CUT so what does that tell you"

    He's a smart man. He's going from a boring land locked town with a highly politicized position and constant repetitiveness to a coastal resort village of 7,000 on the Atlantic Ocean. Taking a pay-cut is offset by many more amenities such as beaches, boats, fishing, culture, restaurants and tourism. For some, life is about happiness, not top of the pay scale. As you get older, your pension goes up, your attitude is more laid back, and when you can, you take a great job with plenty of benefits.

  8. Why is it the fault of the UMASS administration that an employee is moving on.

    Horvath's move seems like a logical career progression.

  9. As you get older, your pension goes up, your attitude is more laid back, and when you can, you take a great job with plenty of benefits.

    Yeah, that's what Chief Brody thought he was doing, too...
