Thursday, March 19, 2015

Pothole Relief

When filled with water, potholes act as landmines for unsuspecting drivers

Governor Charlie Baker announced yet more good news for drivers across the state:  A $30 million reimbursement program to fill those pernicious potholes.  And since the road repair work has to be completed by June 15th to qualify, municipal officials can't afford to procrastinate.

The money is being apportioned using the same Chapter 90 distribution formula, so Amherst will be getting $126,035.  That's in addition to the extra $400,000 announced in Chapter 90 money a couple months ago.

DPW Chief Guilford Mooring reports that at $74 ton he should be able to purchase around 1,500 tons of asphalt.   A pothole 6" deep, one square yard around requires about a quarter-ton to fill,  so that's enough for 6,000 potholes.

Although there's other expenses for asphalt tack coat, prep tools, equipment rental and the hiring of a some part-time help. 

All in all, a good start for spring.

Just one of the many benefits of a Republican Governor.   Not that it will win him many votes in the People's Republic of Amherst.


  1. Yeah but who is paying for it? The taxpayers, that's who. So much for this Republican tax and spend!

    1. Lol. What did The previous Gov do about these things?

  2. Well, the tooth fairy was all tapped out.

  3. Any news on the pipeline debacle?

  4. The potholes know no party, political or otherwise.
    And they're murder for bicyclists, so please give the two-wheelers a break when they steer around them.

  5. What about the bigger issue of all those little concrete and steel bridges that have been falling apart for decades.

    Take you kayak down some of the local streams as the snow melts and you will know which bridges to avoid.

    Mass has a disease when it comes to road maintenance. Pothole repairs are a nice band aid. What do we do about those gashes?

    Larry, I suggest you whip out that smartphone and take some pics of the bottom of little local bridges no one notices. You will ignore the potholes after.

  6. "Just one of the many benefits of a Republican Governor."

    Huh? Because Democratic governors don't care about potholes?

  7. Speaking of pothole repair and deficient bridges, does anyone know the status of the Mill River bridge at the Puffers Pond dam? Last I heard there was money for the project but folks in North Amherst stopped the rebuild by the state to explore other options (leave it as is, one lane, two lane, etc.).

  8. Vince O'Connor filed a warrant article with Town Meeting calling for it to be reopened until they decide what to do with it.

  9. Thanks for the info re the Mill River bridge Larry. It is frustrating though, here we have money on the table essentially making the project shovel ready and up goes the usual Amherst headwind to progress. Sigh.

  10. I was a member of the Puffers Pond 2020 committee a couple of years ago and yes we made a recommendation that it be one-way. But I haven't heard of any N. Amherst residents opposed to reopening the bridge - it has pretty much been hell getting into town with the Pine St. reconstruction.

    And I haven't heard of any money for the project, did I miss something?

    And even though I want to chew my fingers off when I say it, I [cough] agree with [cough] Vince on this one.

  11. Not much money for road repair when you give the Arch development 1.8 mil to bury lines.

  12. $1.5 million.

    A few hundred thousand here and few there ...
