Tuesday, March 31, 2015

He Said, She Said

Andre Chris Edmund stands before Judge John Payne (from the lockup)

When a homeless woman soliciting money in front of CVS in downtown Amherst late Saturday rebuked his inappropriate advances, Andre Edmund, also homeless, allegedly starting yelling "Fuck you!  You're a racist, a fucking racist!"

Police were called to this rather high profile disturbance and Mr. Edmund, age 39, was located on the UM campus and placed under arrest.

 Click to enlarge/read

The Clerk Magistrate set bail at $2,500 so he was transported to the House of Correction to await arraignment and a bail hearing before Judge John Payne in Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday morning.

The Commonwealth requested $1,000 cash bail telling the Judge that Mr. Edmund has a history of drug and alcohol problems, served a year in jail in 2008 for a cocaine conviction and that this charge now before the Court was a "very serious matter which could result in a jail sentence."

The Public Defender told the Judge Mr. Edmund has been clean since 2011 and although currently homeless (he gave Craig's Doors Homeless Shelter as his address) Hwei-Ling Greeney had found him an apartment in Amherst starting April 1st.

He further went on to state confidently that his client, "strenuously denies these charges and looks forward to fighting them in Court."

Judge Payne imposed a $1,000 "personal surety bond", meaning if Mr. Edmund fails to appear back in District Court on May 5th he will be charged that amount and a "failure to appear" arrest warrant will be issued.


  1. I have a problem with the "found to be in violation of" on the police paperwork -- he is accused of having done that, he hasn't been convicted yet. It may be sloppy writing, but he hasn't been "found to [have been] in violation of anything -- yet.

    The other thing here --- and hopefully the officer merely omitted it from the paperwork and the APD has it -- is that between the assorted folks likely to witness something like this and whatever cameras CVS must have, there has got to be some third party evidence either supporting or contradicting her story.

  2. Just a suggestion -- you might be a little more careful about captioning your pictures. Presumably Mr. Edmund is the man on the left, and the man in the middle of the picture might or might not be Judge Payne, though the caption suggests that he is. It can be figured out, but the caption is a bit confusing.

  3. April Fools! No apartment for you!
