Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cowards die 1,000 deaths, Heroes But 1

Stephane Charbonnier:
"I'd rather die standing up than live on my knees."


  1. Je Suis Charlie makes a lot more sense than I can't Breath.

    1. Or "you're hurting my arm!" (I usually holler this when I'm being restrained to see if the cop will release me.)

  2. God damn the Muslims who did this and all other Islamofascists who seek to perpetuate their beliefs on the world.

  3. Oh, my. Vera strikes again! This time in Holyoke??? Around the 47 minute mark.

    Lady's on tour with this victim stuff.

  4. Welcome to WWIII, and may we in the USA find a courage approaching that of those who fought in I and II.

  5. Remember "Piss Christ" and how that group of Armed Christians stormed the museum where it was shown killing the artist and a score of curious tourists? No? That's because it didn't happen. Oh, there was plenty of protest, but no one was murdered over it.

  6. Weird that you didn't post my comment. I thought it was an honest (albeit lackluster) sentiment. Nothing controversial... just calling these folks out on their racism.

  7. If 1:57 is referring to my post, Muslim is not a race. Neither is Christian for that matter.

  8. Mommy, the drugs don't seem to be working.January 8, 2015 at 6:10 PM

    Meanwhile proud Ponzivillers

    respond to the news:

    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. Fking rats.

    1. Thanks for reminding us of that squeaky. The Palestinian jubilance at the 911 attacks was and remains truly sickening.

  9. Merci beaucoup, Larry - at least we agree on this!

    - Commander Spock

  10. Good to see these harmless comics, Larry. To hell with thin-skinned imbeciles who want to f*ck over everyone on earth!

    "It's us and them. You may not think so, but they do. The only question in 'us' vs. 'them' is, one will prevail and one will not - which one?"

  11. You're going to have to pick a side. Unless you don't care to defend yourself or your family. What kind of prophet is Mohammed that he needs avenging anyway? Isn't that something he could do for himself? I'm going to stick with my own prophet Who appears to have a better sense of humor when someone does something like stick a crucifix in a vat of piss.

  12. I hope that the French authorities together with the NSA (National Security Agency), CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), Interpol, and state and local law enforcement are able to track down the perpetrators of this senseless violence.

    1. Oh! You mean you actually see what the cops?? Er. Gendarmes! Bless you!

  13. "They just did. Scratch two terrorists. May they rot in Hell."


    -Squeaky Squeaks

  14. Christianne Amanpour, that tower of liberalism, referred to these particular Islamic terrorists as--get this--"activists." Incredible how the left (not All, but close!) is afraid to call it what it is. Let's retire the word Islamophobia. Replace it with Islamophobiaphobia. Fear of being called out for your fear of radical jihadis.

  15. Why did President Obama not go and stand with the other world leaders in the Paris demonstration?

  16. Awful cartoons. For this they died?

  17. I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

  18. Thus spake Voltaire. But even Voltaire never came across a town like this.
