Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Good Day For Amherst

Amherst Town Manager John Musante, Governor Patrick, Stan Rosenberg 10/21/14

Today was a good day for local government: Dave Sullivan took his oath of office as Northwestern District Attorney, our "top cop" so to speak, and Amherst's own Stan Rosenberg ascended to President of the 189th Massachusetts Senate.

The Eastern centric State Legislature will have a hard time ignoring Western Massachusetts over the next few years.

And since Stan is a proud UMass graduate, good news for our flagship of higher education and the town they call home.

Unfortunately Stan's ceremony was marred by the collapse of his long time friend, well known UMass Journalism Professor Ralph Whitehead.

Fortunately staff on hand knew how to use a defibrillator and it sounds like they got him to Mass General Hospital in time.


  1. Actually, it sounds like the bad omen is already present.

  2. The only thing good about today is that loser of a Governor is finished. Wow do liberals know how to screw things up. Give these guys time. Western Mass. or not the wrench will soon be jamming the gears.

  3. The election of Rosenberg now confirms Mass as the new Politburo.

  4. That "Top Cop" attitude is why the police are above the law, abusing and killing citizens with little consequence.

    Worship away.

    1. Oh yes, he said sarcastically, the cops get up every day looking for someone to kill. Jesus, talk about a broad brush.

  5. Police have a right to protect themselves. You have a constitutional obligation to listen to a police officer when you are detained. Seems some people don't want to listen, others want to attack officers. Both contribute to their deaths once they refuse to listen. Bottom line is that any police officer in the country is authorized to use deadly force when there is an imminent threat of serious bodily injury or death. Thank God for the police!!

  6. Depends. Are you looking at Gov unemployment numbers or the actual unemployment numbers. Big difference whether you look at reality or that ridiculous formula used by the government who doesn't count the over 9 million people who gave up looking for work. The real number is about twice what the government reports.

  7. That's not a broad brush. Its a liberal brush.

  8. Oh! You're right. And that's a very narrow brush indeed! Lol

  9. For many, the most imminent threat is the police...mass imprisonment and the war on people...I mean drugs...did not help the massive tensions.

  10. Actually I think Cowardly Anon Nitwits create bigger tensions.

  11. Hey 10:12, when's the last time you got locked up? Who are all these people you say the police are locking up? "More people than China??" Don't make claims, show facts and sources. Where are you getting these ideas from? The Valley Advocate??

  12. Another cop- hating lib. What a surprise.Probably adheres to the 'hands up don't shoot' fable.
